A couple players that been on my s***-less this season I got a 24 hour reprieve out of respect and gratitude for a championship campaign
But after that
can't say the actual word you stupid garboon
you just throwing letters together huh
Where are the Bron 4 rings shirts!!
i’m probably gonna hold on til the 5 ring shirts next year idk
Chillin eating my Duck a l'orange rn while looking at my nbastore "your order is confirmed" email.
Some of yall niggas eating burger mad at home typing "warriors in 5!" and "nets in 6!" lmao
Eating WHAT?
Your mother should have thrown you in the trash like they used to do the retarted spartan babies
I’d be salty if the Lakers best player was built like you too
you not allowed to say that word cracker
wish i could read this but the ring shining too bright
dam i was right it was lakers in 6
That's the real reason why I didn't bet you, I had Lakers in 6 too lol
I’d be salty if the Lakers best player was built like you too
you quoted me lol go on about your day p**** b****