  • Nov 30, 2022

    Solange for apartamento mag. Her loft looks immaculate

  • Jan 17, 2023
    1 reply

    need new music

  • Jan 17, 2023
    1 reply
    aaron xx

    need new music

    damn i was hyped for a second

  • Jan 17, 2023
    Sir Swagalot

    damn i was hyped for a second

    my bad

  • Feb 16, 2023
    2 replies

    Upcoming shows with Kelela, Keiyaa, RES, Archie Shepp etc

  • Feb 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Upcoming shows with Kelela, Keiyaa, RES, Archie Shepp etc

  • Feb 16, 2023

    Not to be the nerd here but Archie Shepp and Claudia Rankine on the same bill is insane

  • Feb 16, 2023

  • Feb 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Upcoming shows with Kelela, Keiyaa, RES, Archie Shepp etc


  • Feb 17, 2023


    Need a stream or recording

  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    oh s***. i thought this this was like a lil 7 show solange tour with those guests or something. but it's just one Kelela, Res and Keiyaa show on 3/30. Solange curated the whole program tho so that's pretty cool.

  • Feb 17, 2023
    p r o v i d e r

    oh s***. i thought this this was like a lil 7 show solange tour with those guests or something. but it's just one Kelela, Res and Keiyaa show on 3/30. Solange curated the whole program tho so that's pretty cool.

    yea last night I was thinking the same but I added the dates to OP to make it clearer.

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    Need a new album

  • Feb 17, 2023

    Need a new album

  • Mar 27, 2023

    Eldorado Ballroom starts this Thursday

    You have an R&B night featuring KeiyaA and Kelela, two incredible artists. What would you like the people who attend to understand about the past, present, future of the genre?

    I feel like this moment in R&B is going to leave such a lasting and powerful mark. I’m in awe of all of these ladies and what they’ve accomplished sonically. Res will be there too. It’s going to be a monumental night. She was sort of a blueprint for what we are trying to create with R&B now, her own way of being a Black woman and leaning into that to create a sonic story. She’s going to be performing songs off How I Do. I looked on Instagram, and I saw that both Kelela and KeiyaA followed her, and I was like, Okay, so we’re having similar conversations about women who were blueprints for us.

    Me and Kels go way back. She was actually on the first Saint Heron compilation. That’ll be ten years ago this year. That moment in music was a really powerful shift in the R&B conversation. Kelela was a huge part of that. I feel honored that Saint Heron has gotten to be a place for her in her journey. I saw her Fallon performance. Her vocals were literal perfection, so to hear her perform this album live is going to be such an amazing moment.

    KeiyaA is such a phenomenal producer. I appreciate her putting a spotlight on Black women as producers and what we really have all been capable of. I feel like she brings a lot of that technicality to her live show. All of these women have brought so much innovation to the genre, and it’s going to be real cool to create a timestamp of that through these performances.

    What was your jazz education?

    When I was 17 and I was a junior in high school, I recorded a jazz project. I had Jamire Williams on the drums. He has a project called ERIMAJ, and he does a lot of experimental stuff with minimalism in percussion. I had Burniss Earl Travis on bass, who went on to play with D’Angelo and has really taken up an interesting space as a bass player. It’s interesting to me in the way that it returned to me. I’ll always hold a special and close place for the way that jazz created expansiveness in my process and how I approach making music and improv. I feel really grateful for how it’s really pushed me as an artist.

  • May 16, 2023

    Summer x Solange otw

  • Jun 24, 2023

    Happy bday to Solo we wishing you many more!

  • new music next year pls queen.

  • Nov 16, 2023

    We are pleased to present the Season Two collection of our Saint Heron Library, curated by NYC-based art curator, writer and director of 52 Walker, Ebony L. Haynes. An avid collector of books herself, Haynes’ this collection highlights renowned and modern artists practicing within various themes of poetry, visual art, critical thought, design and much more. Browse the full collection, including works by Wanda Coleman, Jehanne Teilhet-Fisk, Edward Thorpe, Rhea Dillon and more via SAINTHERON.COM.

    Books will be available to check out Tuesday November 21st at 9am PT / 12pm ET.

    Special thanks to our partners @worldnetintl.

    Season Two Curator: Ebony L. Haynes
    Founder & Art/Creative Director: Solange Knowles
    Executive Editor & Writer: Shantel Aurora
    Project Manager: Diane "SHABAZZ" Varnie
    Web Designer: Angela A. Asemota
    Web Development: Studio Otto

  • Jan 11
    1 reply
  • Jan 12

    Solange is so talented man, her commitment to pushing boundaries with her art is such an inspiration

    As I contemplate the evolution and maturation of my artistry, “In Service To Whom” was developed around constructing new narratives surrounding my body, the posture of rest, protection from the gaze, and speaks to a reemergence into the world of everyday life following periods of personal incubation and self-revitalization. The piece featured a sound piece featuring artist Autumn Knight and premiered “Not Necessarily In Arms Reach, Music for Two Tubas ” and “If the Promise is Large” for solo cello and double bass.

  • Jan 12

    Desperately hoping this will be available to watch widely, or as an album at some point

  • Does this mean new album on the horizon?
