  • Jul 20, 2021
    3 replies

    This is what the Switch collection is looking like rn, such a fun system to collect for

  • Jul 20, 2021
    1 reply

    This is what the Switch collection is looking like rn, such a fun system to collect for

    Damn u got Stardew valley physical

    I already bought it on xbox & PC so idk if want drop $40+ on the switch copy

  • Jul 20, 2021

    This is what the Switch collection is looking like rn, such a fun system to collect for

    Knowing how expensive switch games are this legit heat

  • Jul 20, 2021

    Damn u got Stardew valley physical

    I already bought it on xbox & PC so idk if want drop $40+ on the switch copy

    Don't blame you at all, especially when the digital version is like 1/5 of the price haha. Love the game so much that I wanted a physical copy though

    @Too_Real appreciate it was built up over a few years of course, still missing a few heavy hitters

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Condition upgrade on my current copy of FF Anthology. This one is complete so i’ll get rid of my other one probably.

    Also, the last couple LRG releases I see myself getting def for PS4 & probably just in general unless they get into more of the older s***. Don’t too much care for all the indie stuff.

    Actually got around 20+ packages this week but a lot of them were replacements and condition upgrades specifically for my PSP stuff.

    Bought a PSP GO this week also. Hasn’t come yet.

  • Aug 8, 2021

    Anybody else in here collecting for the PSP?

  • Aug 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Condition upgrade on my current copy of FF Anthology. This one is complete so i’ll get rid of my other one probably.

    Also, the last couple LRG releases I see myself getting def for PS4 & probably just in general unless they get into more of the older s***. Don’t too much care for all the indie stuff.

    Actually got around 20+ packages this week but a lot of them were replacements and condition upgrades specifically for my PSP stuff.

    Bought a PSP GO this week also. Hasn’t come yet.

    Cant wait to get some new games i got no work atm so its kinda tuff to buy games

    Great pick ups

  • Aug 16, 2021
    Too Real

    Cant wait to get some new games i got no work atm so its kinda tuff to buy games

    Great pick ups

    Man, keep your head up!

    It’s no fun hinting right now anyway. Not in my area anyway. Me & my girl went hunting Saturday. Were literally out about 4-5 hours. I got not s***. Could just be what i’m in the market for but every place was either ass inventory or ass prices. The pandemic has mad this s*** unfun in more ways than one.

    Hunting online from the safety of my own home is cool too. Great actually until after I sit down and binge I hate how much I lost in S&H.

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    New mail chick is bad as f*** Jesus. Anyway….

    Came with quite a bit of stuff on it tbh

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    New mail chick is bad as f*** Jesus. Anyway….

    Came with quite a bit of stuff on it tbh

    New mail chick?

    Great shape

  • Aug 20, 2021
    3 replies

    Never played this one, heard good things about it tho so I bought it

  • Aug 20, 2021

    Never played this one, heard good things about it tho so I bought it

    Never played it either

  • Aug 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Too Real

    New mail chick?

    Great shape

    Yeah man. It’s usually this older lady smoking cigs that fills our boxes at our mail hub. Sweet lady and always finds my lost packages back at the USPS but DAMN. I was walking iver to the hub and seen some ass. I figured she stayed at the complex but then I noticed she was filling the mail

    Might order something and try and catch her ass out there again lol

    Make sure my girl aint got no mail in the box

  • Aug 20, 2021

    Never played this one, heard good things about it tho so I bought it

    I feel like I vaguely remember the promo for this game.

  • Aug 20, 2021

    Yeah man. It’s usually this older lady smoking cigs that fills our boxes at our mail hub. Sweet lady and always finds my lost packages back at the USPS but DAMN. I was walking iver to the hub and seen some ass. I figured she stayed at the complex but then I noticed she was filling the mail

    Might order something and try and catch her ass out there again lol

    Make sure my girl aint got no mail in the box

    lmaoooo really make sure

  • Oct 13, 2021

    Hunting this weekend for sure

  • Oct 20, 2021
    2 replies

    This is what the Switch collection is looking like rn, such a fun system to collect for


    I'm trying to collect every game. My pockets be like:
    I have a long way to go.

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply


    I'm trying to collect every game. My pockets be like:
    I have a long way to go.

    Every switch game?

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Every switch game?

    Yep. Going to try anyway.

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Yep. Going to try anyway.

    Good luck man. It really is now or never though lol

  • Oct 20, 2021

    Good luck man. It really is now or never though lol

    I'll probably have a better chance of getting all the original Nintendo games lol ....which I plan to do too.

  • Oct 23, 2021
    1 reply


    I'm trying to collect every game. My pockets be like:
    I have a long way to go.

    yeah it can get crazy, especially considering some titles randomly go out of print and then jump up to ridiculous prices XC2 and the expansion are great examples

  • Oct 23, 2021

    yeah it can get crazy, especially considering some titles randomly go out of print and then jump up to ridiculous prices XC2 and the expansion are great examples

    I don't know about where you are but here in CAN new releases are, for the most part, priced at $90 plus tax. That's almost $100 per game I remember it was fun collecting video games. The prices were decent but it's become more of a money grabber than anything. Its a shame.. I remember the original Nintendo system could be copped for the price around one Switch game and that was new. crazy lol

  • Legacy

    Never played this one, heard good things about it tho so I bought it

    Never have i ever screamed at a video game like this one.

    They hadn't quite figured out how t o make hard games yet, so playing through campaign on veteran, standing still for more than 2s meant you had a grenade hit marker

  • Dec 4, 2021

    This should count right? 😂
