  • Jun 13, 2020

    Never heard of Game Exchange

    This a store worth checking out for video games?


  • Jun 13, 2020

    Huge fan of Celeste so I bought this

    The Limited Run Games version but it’s sealed in the plastic they ship it to you in. All the brand new copies you see on eBay sell you the game sealed but not in the OG plastic bag LMR sends it to you in. This one is.

    So the game is in a PS4 game box protector, in a sealed plastic bag, the game is sealed and the trading card is in a trading card protector (the person who bought it probably paid a little extra to have that trading card protector already in the package).

    Nerdy af I know but one of my fav newer games super sealed

    LRG has some good s***.
    Their KOF & Metal Slug 3 physicals are some of my fav in my PS4 collection.
    Just bought the newer, recent KOF they just dropped.

    Wish they still did Vita games

  • Jun 13, 2020

    These are the first set of PSP game pick ups via eBay

    I got like 15+ still coming in the mail

    aside from the Switch, this is my fav handheld.

    its library is really good. look into Tokibot if you like Pikmin, & try Jeanne D'Arc if you like Tactics games.

    really fye. love the psp.

  • Jun 13, 2020

    This s*** so sexy

    Back of the case

    Lowkey want to get this but I already have the standard edition.

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply

    is this a "game collection" thread too?

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    is this a "game collection" thread too?

    Yeah, post what you want bro. I'll add Collection to the title

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah, post what you want bro. I'll add Collection to the title

    dope i got a lot. imma post itt inna bit n light it up.

    i have most of them inna thread back on ktt1 i gotta re-source

  • Jun 13, 2020
    Water Giver

    dope i got a lot. imma post itt inna bit n light it up.

    i have most of them inna thread back on ktt1 i gotta re-source

  • Jun 13, 2020

    alright a lot of these pics arent a e s t h e t i c due to being from 4 to 5 years ago, so forgive how dsuty a lot of them look & my set up is diff now. i also have a lot of games without cases because lil dumb young me & my siblings thought it was better, but here's my long post of the junk i keep. a lot of it is packed up rn tho which is why im using the old dusty pics

    i'll do another post later with some more modern stuff like current & last gen

    xbox & super nintendo consoles

    wii console, its also modded

    various handhelds

    N64 console

    ps1 slim, gamecube & eng dreamcast + jpn dreamcast

    og xbox 360 & ps3 1st slim console

    dreamcast jpn games:

    dreamcast eng games

    n64 games (missing banjo kazzoie & f-zero x)

  • Jun 13, 2020

    ps2 games

    ps1 games

    OG Xbox games

    gamecube games (missing mario sunshine for some reason)

    various handheld games i could find at the time. i have other random ones such as Final Fantasy Crisis Core PSP n like all the og pokemons but they're scattered everywhere:

    DS games:

    and thats it for now. will update when i come across more stuff i uncover from the past & will post my current stuff later like i said earlier, like i know i have a Dragon Quest game for GBC plus more random ish etc. somewhere.

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Lime Green GBC w/ Pokemon Crystal
    JPN Imports
    That N64 Collection is piff too
    I NEED that Spider-man & Yugioh on PS1. Been on my list just not a priority. I had that Spider-Man on N64. Ready 2 Rumble too.
    Parasite Eve....

    That's some heat bro.

  • Jun 13, 2020

    Y'all about to make me go outside hunting. I'm really not about that COVID life. Especially here in TX. These idiots.

  • Jun 13, 2020
    2 replies

    i fux with the ps4 super heavy tbh. might be another one of my favs:

    these are mine so far. my friend is borrowing my Fallout 4 too, but i also plan to add more to my PS4 library soon like Last Guardian, Control, Nioh 2 & Metro Exodus along with in the future Ghost of Tsushima & Cyberpunk 2077.
    i got some ps4 stuff digitally as well, such as Resident Evil 2 Remake, Furi, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Wipeout Omega Collection, Ni No Kuni 2 & Shadow of the Colossus remake.

    i also got an x1 with some stuff like Rainbow Six Siege, Doom, Gears etc., but the Ps4 is also the first console i ever bought myself so it & my library hold a special place for me due to that

  • Jun 13, 2020

    Lime Green GBC w/ Pokemon Crystal
    JPN Imports
    That N64 Collection is piff too
    I NEED that Spider-man & Yugioh on PS1. Been on my list just not a priority. I had that Spider-Man on N64. Ready 2 Rumble too.
    Parasite Eve....

    That's some heat bro.


  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply

    forgot the snes games in the post earlier.

    here's some of the few super nintendo games i have. its missing some of my more important ones tho such as mega man x, donkey country 3, super mario world, kirby superstar & super metroid which are packed.

    forgot to add the image in the post but there's too much for a direct edit.

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Water Giver
    · edited

    i fux with the ps4 super heavy tbh. might be another one of my favs:

    these are mine so far. my friend is borrowing my Fallout 4 too, but i also plan to add more to my PS4 library soon like Last Guardian, Control, Nioh 2 & Metro Exodus along with in the future Ghost of Tsushima & Cyberpunk 2077.
    i got some ps4 stuff digitally as well, such as Resident Evil 2 Remake, Furi, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Wipeout Omega Collection, Ni No Kuni 2 & Shadow of the Colossus remake.

    i also got an x1 with some stuff like Rainbow Six Siege, Doom, Gears etc., but the Ps4 is also the first console i ever bought myself so it & my library hold a special place for me due to that

    Lol y'all gone kill me but I don't have GOW or Dark Souls 3 yet
    Monster Hunter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

    If you get a chance grab Ni No Kuni 1 remaster on PS4. You won't regret it.

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    forgot the snes games in the post earlier.

    here's some of the few super nintendo games i have. its missing some of my more important ones tho such as mega man x, donkey country 3, super mario world, kirby superstar & super metroid which are packed.

    forgot to add the image in the post but there's too much for a direct edit.

    Megaman X is one of my SNES favs. With Killer Instinct, Kirby Superstar, and that Super Game Boy brings back so many memories. I remember playing Pokemon Red on my TV with thing all the time.

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Megaman X is one of my SNES favs. With Killer Instinct, Kirby Superstar, and that Super Game Boy brings back so many memories. I remember playing Pokemon Red on my TV with thing all the time.

    real af

    super gameboy was so dope back in the day lmao. i would play my gb pokemons & pac man on it

  • Jun 13, 2020

    Lol y'all gone kill me but I don't have GOW or Dark Souls 3 yet
    Monster Hunter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

    If you get a chance grab Ni No Kuni 1 remaster on PS4. You won't regret it.

    Monster hunter World top 10 of this gen!

    & def good looks. i havent played part 1 in forvever too & i rented it back in the day.

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    real af

    super gameboy was so dope back in the day lmao. i would play my gb pokemons & pac man on it

    The Megaman Legacy Collections are so good. One of the main reasons I even bout them was for X.

    Monster Hunter World really took off. Hopefully they keep expanding over here. PS just doesn't have enough Monster collecting games imo.

    You have any of the PSP Monster Hunter Games?

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply

    The Megaman Legacy Collections are so good. One of the main reasons I even bout them was for X.

    Monster Hunter World really took off. Hopefully they keep expanding over here. PS just doesn't have enough Monster collecting games imo.

    You have any of the PSP Monster Hunter Games?

    i have the monster hunter game with tigrex as the mascot for psp iirc & its the first one i ever played, & i got Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate for Wii U, which is the one i really really got into until World.

    i had one on the 3ds too but returned it lol, because i think the 3ds is just awful for monster hunter games lmao. im so glad it came back to consoles for Wii U & current gen.

  • Jun 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    i have the monster hunter game with tigrex as the mascot for psp iirc & its the first one i ever played, & i got Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate for Wii U, which is the one i really really got into until World.

    i had one on the 3ds too but returned it lol, because i think the 3ds is just awful for monster hunter games lmao. im so glad it came back to consoles for Wii U & current gen.

    Might pick up the PSP games.

    I stayed away from DS. Never f***ed with the two screens

  • Jun 13, 2020

    @adeathworld ....⏲⏳⏰⏱🕰

  • Jun 13, 2020

    @adeathworld we’re waiting on that helluva collection.
