DHL IS FIRE. how does ktt think this song is mid
his cadence so perfectly muddy under that thick electronic production with that damn good reverb that beat switch
those synths
this rides everytime i play it, hits so hard at night
I love his abstract s*** and I like blonde and endless more than channel orange
But god I just want like a straightforward traditional album from him. Like 10 tracks 3-4 minutes of really f***ing good writing and vocals
cus it was his first song back, was bound to be disliked by post-blondians flog-gnawgians and 3-4 weeknd stans on here
I love his abstract s*** and I like blonde and endless more than channel orange
But god I just want like a straightforward traditional album from him. Like 10 tracks 3-4 minutes of really f***ing good writing and vocals
he has one it’s called channel orange
cus it was his first song back, was bound to be disliked by post-blondians flog-gnawgians and 3-4 weeknd stans on here
niggas wouldn't be complaining if that was on blonde that's a fact
cus it was his first song back, was bound to be disliked by post-blondians flog-gnawgians and 3-4 weeknd stans on here
not all weeknd stans 😤
DHL was great. In my room was ight
in my room rarely gets plays from me in comparison to DHL
at best
It’s okay to think he’s capable of dropping decent tracks. The world won’t end lol
try listening to this on a summers night drunk af wow what a trip, this song is a gem. ain't nobody telling me this song mid
exactly, him trying new things is way more interesting than rehashing old cliches
it’s the same thing people say with drake where they want his 10 song hard rap album, it’s corny
if the first beat played for the whole track i wouldve liked it more bc that first part is GAS but i tend to turn it off prematurely during the second half
I remember walking downtown picking up a pizza for me and my girl at night listening to Solo. It had just finished raining so the ground was still wet and there was a summer night mist in the air. I was wearing a grey sweat suit.
Good times
if the first beat played for the whole track i wouldve liked it more bc that first part is GAS but i tend to turn it off prematurely during the second half
both beats hard nigga tf
niggas wouldn't be complaining if that was on blonde that's a fact
Nah that s*** was mid as hell. Beat was cool and it was lil trippy but forgettable
if the first beat played for the whole track i wouldve liked it more bc that first part is GAS but i tend to turn it off prematurely during the second half
Not to nitpick but it’s the same beat throughout it just develops, you might just be using the words loosely but a lot of times I see people think a development is a beat switch, like people say there’s a beat switch on Futura Free and it makes me facepalm