Not to nitpick but it’s the same beat throughout it just develops, you might just be using the words loosely but a lot of times I see people think a development is a beat switch, like people say there’s a beat switch on Futura Free and it makes me facepalm
yeah i am using it arbitrarily
both beats hard nigga tf
not enough to keep me entertained imo lol. it dragged on for too long
yeah i am using it arbitrarily
Word I figured, I just like to make the distinction because some people don’t seem to get the difference between beat switch vs development
Like do any of his projects have as much sonic variance as Dear April DHL and In My Room alone have
I have no idea what his album is gonna sound like
frank and kendrick the only two popular artists that can keep me on my toes with every pre-era for a new album. literally have no clue which angle they'll come and it's exciting
I wish Channel Orange got its due respect. Feel like people just lean towards Blonde
I wish Channel Orange got its due respect. Feel like people just lean towards Blonde
crazy cause i played it back a few weeks ago and i’m not all the way sold on Blonde being better anymore lol.
in my room rarely gets plays from me in comparison to DHL
They both totally different moods. Both equally great but DHL gets more plays from me cause its sound
crazy cause i played it back a few weeks ago and i’m not all the way sold on Blonde being better anymore lol.
It’s such a mood......but I’m listening to the acoustic singles for the first time and I’m just VIBIN Rn finna hit the bowl again and run these back then might spin channel Orange
It's a dope song, but Dear April and Cayendo are next level
I been sleep on these
It’s super solid, good vibes. Not very dynamic though, I don’t know how I’d feel if it’s gonna be a whole album of these. In my room is the same way
Amazing song, prob his most vibey, next frank album after this dudes gonna say they miss DHL frank
Amazing song, prob his most vibey, next frank album after this dudes gonna say they miss DHL frank
for sure his most vibey
I love his abstract s*** and I like blonde and endless more than channel orange
But god I just want like a straightforward traditional album from him. Like 10 tracks 3-4 minutes of really f***ing good writing and vocals
He’s too lazy for that.