When you’re making threads about Big L and Juice Wrld that’s when you know you should step away, ya know?
I don’t appreciate my thread being derailed 😡
This thread was garbage im happy it got derailed
@op is right but coudnt pick a worst example to get his point across
Top 5? Where are the other 4 that are even close to that bro snapped
Was just trying to be fair cause I know there's a lot of fire I'm forgetting but you right my dawg got that top spot locked
@op used to be a good poster yall. KTT really on the downswing
Big L > Juice World
juice wrld makes music that I prefer listening to
but idk if I would say they are like better it's too different
juice wrld makes music that I prefer listening to
but idk if I would say they are like better it's too different
like i don't think anyone listens to juice wrld for like rapping like that he just has like fun emo melodies
@CliCity @Mitchell
I think yall both would agree w the main point im saying even if yall disagree about Big L and Juice. I just did a bad job explaining it
I dont think older or newer means better
Better is just better so yeah I agree