Exactly he’s a singer. That’s what he is known for. Juice WRLD couldn’t freestyle that good. Well it just came off as repetitive and Big L sure you could say the same but it was more entertaining
YB better
Idk who that is but he got ssg and Kobe in his name he gotta be raw
Sertifed Sexy Guy
When you’re making threads about Big L and Juice Wrld that’s when you know you should step away, ya know?
F*** you
Newer or what you personally grew up with does not mean better either
True but it's kinda funny how even albums from the past that were critically panned like Nellyville, The Massacre, and Kingdom Come have more replay value than a lot of rap albums from the last 3 years.
Was bumping Ryder Music driving on the freeway to the doctor a few days ago and the feeling was
There's still good music being made and rappers that can spit but I think replay value is the biggest difference between eras.
Cause some of those "wack" albums from the past have more staying power than classics from today. It could just be bias though. Who knows?
But even Zoomers online seem to acknowledge that Ye's work is grander than a lot of newer rappers'.
never thought I’d ever hear Juice World and Big L in the same sentence
Classic post