Mira (Alicia Vikander) is an American movie star disillusioned by her career and a recent breakup, who comes to France to star as "Irma Vep" in a remake of the French silent film classic, Les Vampires. Set against the backdrop of a lurid crime thriller, Mira struggles as the distinctions between herself and the character she plays begin to blur and merge. Irma Vep reveals to us the uncertain ground that lies at the border of fiction and reality, artifice and authenticity, art and life.
His last three films were trash unfortunately. Especially clouds of sils maria and nonfiction. Personal shopper was alright but that ending is cringe
His last three films were trash unfortunately. Especially clouds of sils maria and nonfiction. Personal shopper was alright but that ending is cringe
clouds of sils maria was dope I really liked the writing of that one, plus all the landscapes. personal shopper was meh
Please tell me he aint gonna ruin one of my faves. Please
Please tell me he aint gonna ruin one of my faves. Please
did u see Carlos the t.v. version or theatrical
did u see Carlos the t.v. version or theatrical
Uhh not even sure tbh. I watched it on FilmStruck and it was in 3 separate parts, so i'd guess tv?
Uhh not even sure tbh. I watched it on FilmStruck and it was in 3 separate parts, so i'd guess tv?
I just copped the theatrical one like a week ago waiting for it to arrive.
Wish it was the tv version 😳 ty for letting me know where I can watch it xD been wanting to for ages
I just copped the theatrical one like a week ago waiting for it to arrive.
Wish it was the tv version 😳 ty for letting me know where I can watch it xD been wanting to for ages
Sadly Filmstruck dont exit no more bro :(
Sadly Filmstruck dont exit no more bro :(
😭 damn, another L will I ever find this thing lmao
Alicia Vikander, who is won the Oscar for best supporting actress for The Danish Girl, will play Mira, an American movie star disillusioned by her career and a recent breakup, who moves to France to star as Irma Vep in a remake of the French silent film classic, Les Vampires.
just watched irma vep earlier this month and its truly a phenomenal film. not sure what to expect with this mini series though
Sam Levinson and Kevin Turen from Euphoria producing
no way in hell this comes close to how good the movie is then
That is not it in any way, shape, or form!
this better be good cause non-fiction was boring as hell and ive heard bad stuff about wasp network (havent seen yet)
no way in hell this comes close to how good the movie is then
the bar is def high, the film is one of assayas’ best