Lol probably cause it’s nuance to it but basically I agree she not as big, but I’m just saying the public doesn’t understand the difference between the streaming s*** so a lot of history is going to get rewritten, so it’s hard to say really.
All them drake records was BS already tbh but we live in a world where they’re accepted so idk what the truth is anymore
I respect everyone itt saying that the streaming era records won’t make her bigger
But the general public literally judges how big artists from the 60s and 70s were by Spotify monthly listeners and stream counts. The casual listener literally thinks Spotify has always been the way to consume music and there’s nothing before or after. So they will give her the title because they don’t know better
That said, whenever she does decide to enter politics it could actually take her to a different space. She’s probably the first music artist to be seriously talked about as being president one day. And I predict it does happen
Honestly make more rhythmically driven hits in minor keys. Just cooler sounding songs period, like as a fan I gotta admit her s*** don’t sound swaggy or cool like MJ or The Beatles. She’s got everything else in her favor perception wise to be in that tier
yeah The Beatles had a lot of funky s*** in their catalog tbh now that i think about it
sped up version, slowed + reverb version, taylors version, english version, instrumental
yeah The Beatles had a lot of funky s*** in their catalog tbh now that i think about it
They also got a lot of major respect from it in spite of starting out as essentially a boy band. They’re Unc Robert Pattinson now that I think about it
Also, be a man. Mfs sexist
I get it but it’s hard to say that for Taylor, who benefitted so much from being “wholesome miss white america”, and her whole deal is appealing to women and not men. Do you think that’s men not wanting to listen to her cause she’s a woman or the music just isn’t geared for most men?
She not privileged enough that she needs that male stimulus to really take it over the top lol? Idk seems like being a white woman perpetual victim in this era worked out pretty well
If she was a man, she wouldn’t have the same intensely dedicated female fanbase she has
They also got a lot of major respect from it in spite of starting out as essentially a boy band. They’re Unc Robert Pattinson now that I think about it
you’re calling Robert pattinson the beatles of flim?!
now that i think about it it kinda makes sense
MJ did those numbers by having the entire population loving his music
Taylor is doing it by having a - very - large fanbase who just spam buys her singles and albums multiple times
She is not and will never be as big as MJ.
Not make the most basic, phoned in music imaginable
Her re-releasing every single one of her albums will be laughed at in about 10-15 years too
Not make the most basic, phoned in music imaginable
Her re-releasing every single one of her albums will be laughed at in about 10-15 years too
Nah it won’t because she played the narrative perfect. She made the labels and execs the bad guy so no one will s*** on that because they want to seem pro artist
Nah it won’t because she played the narrative perfect. She made the labels and execs the bad guy so no one will s*** on that because they want to seem pro artist
She is an absolute demon. Christ.
the music she makes will never come close to the influence MJ and the Beatles had on their respective genres
no one is gonna say they became a musician because of Taylor Swift
the music she makes will never come close to the influence MJ and the Beatles had on their respective genres
no one is gonna say they became a musician because of Taylor Swift
Wrong Olivia Rodrigo
An audience that isn’t almost completely white
her audience definitely isn’t almost completely white
no one will ever be 'bigger' than the Beatles or MJ because the internet, camera phones, and the 24 hour news cycle broke the 4th wall and allowed us to see these artists as people in real time.
The Beatles, Elvis, Mike, etc had this aura and godliness about them and we never really saw them any other way, that doesn't exist anymore.