  • Jun 10, 2021
    Emery Atreides

    you’re clearly missing the point.

    South Park ridicules everything in culture but it always finds a middle ground and can be accepting of different ideologies, religions and political leanings

    They can show the good that can come from some of the things they make fun of.

    They have NOT done this with trans people.

    idk, the jokes were pretty funny.

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Never been big on South Park or American Dad

  • Jun 10, 2021

    American dad

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Simpsons tbh

  • Jun 10, 2021

    American Dad. Easy

  • Jun 10, 2021

    American Dad and Family Guy can both go

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Replace American Dad with Bojack Horseman. The Simpsons with Futurama. Family Guy with The Boondocks. And this thread would be a lot more difficult for me

  • Emery Atreides

    Found the transphobic enlightened centrist

    Shut up liberal

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    name me SOMETHING that southpark doesnt ridicule. Trans-people arent immune to making fun of just cuz they are Trans.

    Right. Show makes fun of everyone from black people to Jews. But trans should be off limits?

  • American Dad became its own thing from Family Guy last time I followed it, but I still don't think it's like some necessary watch or anything. You just got too many seasons from when FG was decent to pick one over the other

    if you take the Simpsons away, two of the other 3 don't exist, so that doesn't even make sense really

  • Jun 10, 2021
    Jodecidal Hotline

    Right. Show makes fun of everyone from black people to Jews. But trans should be off limits?

    Show me where they have ever humanized trans people?

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    "Also probably why Bernie keeps getting flambe'd in back to back primaries since South Park was one of the main contributors to voter apathy in regards to the media in regards to the youth."


  • Jun 10, 2021

    Even f***ing Family Guy has been more respectful to the trans community then South Park.

    How embarrassing

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    when you see some of the posts in here, I honestly understand why SP is still relevant

    people go to so many extents to eliminate anything marginally controversial, so any counterculture content that can fart out a clever joke once has staying power for years. the PC crowd is ironically keeping that type humor around

    SP has also become cleaner (last time I watched, like 4 years ago) than any part in its history btw. Like the pics Ive seen here are from that point in time if not older. the trans racial bit is like 10 years old iirc

    btw...including the trans racial bit would get that talking point laughed off (as is currently happening) in any kind of legitimate discussion. The LGBT crowd as a majority doesn't even go to bat for that s***

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    when you see some of the posts in here, I honestly understand why SP is still relevant

    people go to so many extents to eliminate anything marginally controversial, so any counterculture content that can fart out a clever joke once has staying power for years. the PC crowd is ironically keeping that type humor around

    SP has also become cleaner (last time I watched, like 4 years ago) than any part in its history btw. Like the pics Ive seen here are from that point in time if not older. the trans racial bit is like 10 years old iirc

    btw...including the trans racial bit would get that talking point laughed off (as is currently happening) in any kind of legitimate discussion. The LGBT crowd as a majority doesn't even go to bat for that s***

    I’m not batting up for trans racial arguments

    I’m saying that South Park are making the statement that Trans Racial and Trans Gender are equivalents within that episode.

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    I’m not batting up for trans racial arguments

    I’m saying that South Park are making the statement that Trans Racial and Trans Gender are equivalents within that episode.

    if that's your perception of things sure, but you're saying this without including the incredibly important context (for comedy) of when a joke is made. in 2005, when the trans racial bit occurred, the joke of being trans anything was perfectly okay. On every level, the perception of the LGBT was that it was a counter culture

    Not saying that's okay, but I can't see why you'd single them out in that instance. I don't think it's apples to apples with their more recent string of contemporary quips either, as that was their original takes on things and this is just them spinning events. If you were offended over that, I wouldn't be mad at you, but you're completely insulating yourself from the value of dark humor (and insinuating that an entire country can't separate that humor from reality)

  • like if south park has been this unforgiving, incessant bigot, yet LGBT understanding has progressed how it has, and content has shifted how it has, then it's very self evident that south park hasn't had as much influence as you all say it has

    that's really the main point I'm trying to attack. That'd be like saying Daniel Tosh and Anthony Jeselnik types made rape okay in the 2010s, when clearly, defending the rape victim and abolishing rape cultures has only became more prominent over that stretch of time

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Family guy can kick dust

  • ThisAuburnNigga

    if that's your perception of things sure, but you're saying this without including the incredibly important context (for comedy) of when a joke is made. in 2005, when the trans racial bit occurred, the joke of being trans anything was perfectly okay. On every level, the perception of the LGBT was that it was a counter culture

    Not saying that's okay, but I can't see why you'd single them out in that instance. I don't think it's apples to apples with their more recent string of contemporary quips either, as that was their original takes on things and this is just them spinning events. If you were offended over that, I wouldn't be mad at you, but you're completely insulating yourself from the value of dark humor (and insinuating that an entire country can't separate that humor from reality)

    I value dark humor but i absolutely cannot ignore (even shows that i generally like a lot) when a show will absolutely dehumanize a sect of people.

    For instance i really have no problem with even their most vulgar jokes on the gay community because they have shown numerous times before their support in various ways throughout the life span of the show, they have NOT done that with the trans community.

  • Jun 10, 2021

    thread has been a reminder to tell ur trans friends u love them

  • Jun 10, 2021

    I’d pick Family Guy

    I watch South Park the most out of all of these

  • Jun 10, 2021

    everything can go besides south park

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    American Dad. Easy

    family guy hasn't been good for a long time compared to American dad

  • Emery Atreides

    Family Guy. What the f***, who’s saying American Dad are y’all serious? 😂

  • Jbreezyondeck

    It’s crazy how underrated American Dad is as a cartoon. It’s surpassed Family Guy about a decade ago
