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  • Updated Aug 21, 2024

    First announcement Marty adelstein (prison break producer) announces the studio that his production company Tomorrow Studios has acquired the rights to make a live action One Piece show. Cooments "this will be one of the most expensive shows ever produced.

    Oda chose marty after 3 years of offers, he is really excited for this
    July 2017:

    july 2018 update :

    march 2019 -rumours about netflix acquiring it (cowboy bebop made by tomorrow studios already announced as an acquirement by netflix, so its probably true)
    here's a nice thread about it with a lot of info: (i know resetera sucks)

    This series has a lot of probability to go wrong but if it really is a very high budget with good pace i can see it doing well especially with a writer that seemingly loves One Piece and with Oda so involved. Plus Netflix backing is always good

    July 2019 Update: writer Matt Owens hired. Said to have an incredible knowledge of One Piece(Oda himself was impressed)

    The first season will probably cover east blue and finish with the entry in the grand line(it makes the most sense, because it will make you feel satisfied and at the same time will make you want to watch more)

    The first season doesnt have specially difficult abilities to make in cgi, here's a flash charachter with the same power as luffy, even though flash as a really low budget comparing to what one piece is going to have (1,5-2 million per episode vs 9-10 million per episode):

    buggy's power is way easier im just more worried about how are they going to make him look

    To me the hardest thing will be the comedy wich is almost impossible to replicate since most moments would be too cringy, they are probably going to have to make it a little more serious with more subtle comedy idk, well see.

    Dont forget pirates of the caribean was made in 2003 and One Piece live action is 2020 with approximately the same budget, the cgi these days is way better.

    And dont compare this to the death note netflix adaptation, that was a completely different company, i've been following this and im way more hopeful, they really are taking their time and plus the death note company they made the stupidest error wich was making a movie instead of a mini series so they had to completely change the plot.

    i hope it will be 10 1 hour episodes for east blue or 13 45 mins one, 13 1 hour would be the ideal.

    the anime has 60 20 mins episodes wich is basically 20 hours but i think with 10-13 hours they can tell the east blue arc, something like:

    1 episode for zoro and cobey(forgot his name)
    1 episode for buggy
    2 episodes usopp(maybe 1 a lil more rushed since this arc is the worst)
    3 to baratie,
    3 or 4 to fishman
    1 or 2 to loguetown
    1 entering the grand line(or like 2o mins in the end of the second loguetown episode

    Anyone as hyped as me or are all of you pessimistic

  • Dec 18, 2019

    dont care

  • Dec 19, 2019

    It's gonna be ass bro, One Piece is impossible to pull off live actioned

  • Feb 6, 2020

    cannot wait to scroll past this and not click on it

  • Feb 6, 2020

    Not excited

  • Feb 6, 2020


  • Feb 6, 2020
    3 replies

    this will be my introduction to the one piece hope it's good

  • Feb 6, 2020

    this will be my introduction to the one piece hope it's good

  • Feb 6, 2020

    this will be my introduction to the one piece hope it's good

    Man , don’t get into it like this

  • Feb 6, 2020
    3 replies

    Stop making live action anime movies, they suck, they’re garbage. Stop, stop, stop

    We haven’t had a single good one. STOP

  • Feb 6, 2020
    1 reply

    this will be my introduction to the one piece hope it's good

    Nigga please read the manga

    Don't make this trash your 1st glimpse

  • Feb 6, 2020

    Real curious about the official budget numbers

  • Feb 6, 2020
    Maga Law

    Nigga please read the manga

    Don't make this trash your 1st glimpse

    So many weirdos so stuck up about watching animation programs like they’re too grown for them

    trash ass mindset, it’s ironically childish

  • Feb 7, 2020

    I'm cautiously optimistic, most likely going to be s*** but I'm really hoping they can pull it off

  • Feb 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    Stop making live action anime movies, they suck, they’re garbage. Stop, stop, stop

    We haven’t had a single good one. STOP

    M night Shyamalan's Avatar Movie would like a word with you

  • Feb 7, 2020
    1 reply

    M night Shyamalan's Avatar Movie would like a word with you

  • wtf one piece is way too long for this s*** how can it be good?

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Feb 7, 2020
    Emery Atreides

  • Feb 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    Stop making live action anime movies, they suck, they’re garbage. Stop, stop, stop

    We haven’t had a single good one. STOP

    Its a TV show not :​ a movie though

  • Message from Oda

  • Feb 7, 2020

    Stopped paying attention to one piece after Ace

  • Feb 7, 2020

    Anime House invented

  • Bacalhau Caralho

    Its a TV show not :​ a movie though

    even worse

  • Feb 7, 2020

    out af there's no way this could work in live action

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