Stop making live action anime movies, they suck, they’re garbage. Stop, stop, stop
We haven’t had a single good one. STOP
dragonball evolution would like a word with u
My friend from high school gon be pissed
It'd be a miracle if this turned out to be even halfway decent.
Theres no chance
Prison break producer
yo this really happening, everybody saying they like luffy's actor but not really feeling his vibe, a bit too goofy/weakling vibes. Luffy is the main charachter and he has a very strong personality if the kid cant pull it off its gonna be hard, but i'll give him a chance
yo this really happening, everybody saying they like luffy's actor but not really feeling his vibe, a bit too goofy/weakling vibes. Luffy is the main charachter and he has a very strong personality if the kid cant pull it off its gonna be hard, but i'll give him a chance
yea i feel the same
yo this really happening, everybody saying they like luffy's actor but not really feeling his vibe, a bit too goofy/weakling vibes. Luffy is the main charachter and he has a very strong personality if the kid cant pull it off its gonna be hard, but i'll give him a chance
Lmao he’s an actor give buddy a chance to get in character onscreen
yo this really happening, everybody saying they like luffy's actor but not really feeling his vibe, a bit too goofy/weakling vibes. Luffy is the main charachter and he has a very strong personality if the kid cant pull it off its gonna be hard, but i'll give him a chance
Luffy actually a brazilian
yo this really happening, everybody saying they like luffy's actor but not really feeling his vibe, a bit too goofy/weakling vibes. Luffy is the main charachter and he has a very strong personality if the kid cant pull it off its gonna be hard, but i'll give him a chance
The accent gonna be funny as s***
Seen alot of complaints about stupid things online.
Casting is great and it’s their everyday look and personality. Let them act and be in costumes. Ppl really think Netflix about to hire several A tier actors.
It is an adaption which is kinda limited by defialt but peoples expecations are surreal with these kind of things.