  • Dec 17, 2023

    This is like a dream come true. Good pacing and excellent animation hopefully

  • Dec 17, 2023

    now one piece fans can stop pretending its not a big commitment to watch the series especially with the first 2 seasons being ass 4kids tier

  • Dec 17, 2023
    3 replies

    need this to happen with og naruto and bleach too

  • Dec 17, 2023
    2 replies

    Isn’t this an on going series with like 1000+ episodes?

  • Dec 17, 2023
    1 reply

    So this will be kind of like Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood/DBZ Kai?

    Great modern animation with good pacing, sign me up

  • Dec 17, 2023

    Isn’t this an on going series with like 1000+ episodes?

    the manga is supposedly coming to an end "soon"

    but also, they obviously aint doing it all in one season lol

  • Dec 17, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    need this to happen with og naruto and bleach too

    A Naruto remake would go so hard.

  • Dec 17, 2023
    1 reply

    So this will be kind of like Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood/DBZ Kai?

    Great modern animation with good pacing, sign me up

    hellsing ultimate n 2010s HunterXHunter (which ironically needs a 2nd reboot )

  • Dec 17, 2023

    A Naruto remake would go so hard.

    need a lot of them early 2000s for tv animes to get this done tbh

    imagine og inyuhasa too etc. or if they want to really go hard and even deeper, og gundam (even tho its from the 70s) with the animation and care of gundam thunderbolt and origins

    netflix would have a goldmine here and it would be a respectable "rehash"

  • Dec 17, 2023

    Isn’t this an on going series with like 1000+ episodes?

    Yes but due to the problem of being a weekly show the series has a strong problems of pacing due to the lack of content they have to adapt. They adap 0.75 manga chapters per episode when the ideal would be about 3.

    Plus One Piece is very old and the anime industry was a lot smaller back in the day. If you compare it to something like demon slayer or jujutsu kaizen you'll see a night and day difference. This is probably going to be the biggest budget anime series ever so the improvement is going to be very big

  • Purrp 🌚
    Dec 17, 2023
    Water Giver

    need this to happen with og naruto and bleach too

    Lowkey OG naruto holds up idc

    Doesn’t need to be flashy and s*** that don’t always mean better

  • Dec 17, 2023
    1 reply

    There's no point in this while the series is still Airing. This is something that should be done after everything is over

  • Dec 17, 2023
    2 replies
    Oblivion X

    There's no point in this while the series is still Airing. This is something that should be done after everything is over

    Nah. As someone who never got into the anime or manga because of the length and pacing, this will be a good entry point for me and other potential fans. The timing is good

  • Dec 17, 2023
    1 reply

    So One Piece Kai?

  • Dec 17, 2023
    1 reply

    So One Piece Kai?

    Nah, like HXH 2011. Completely redoing the anime

  • Slutdog

    Nah, like HXH 2011. Completely redoing the anime

    So what everyone though Dragon Ball Kai was SUPPOSED to be?

  • Dec 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Nah. As someone who never got into the anime or manga because of the length and pacing, this will be a good entry point for me and other potential fans. The timing is good

    Remake is needed but again this is a remake that's going on when the original is still running. Why is that needed, especially when there's no real timetable on when the Manga is going to finish

  • Dec 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    Remake is needed but again this is a remake that's going on when the original is still running. Why is that needed, especially when there's no real timetable on when the Manga is going to finish

    I heard that the manga is in it's final stages right now? You gotta understand that this will be a seasonal anime. It'll take many years before it's caught up to where the manga is right now. I think it's the right time

  • Dec 18, 2023

    Romance Dawn with elite animation gonna feed families

  • Dec 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I heard that the manga is in it's final stages right now? You gotta understand that this will be a seasonal anime. It'll take many years before it's caught up to where the manga is right now. I think it's the right time

    Oda been saying that for as long as I can remember. Final stages could mean 5 years or more.

    But why now, instead of later is the point, this is not usual especially when the original one airing is a huge cash cow. A seasonal remake would probably take longer to finished than just starting one piece at the top

  • Dec 18, 2023

    this will be amazing!

  • Dec 18, 2023

    This def gonna be what gets me to finally start one piece ngl

  • Dec 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    Oda been saying that for as long as I can remember. Final stages could mean 5 years or more.

    But why now, instead of later is the point, this is not usual especially when the original one airing is a huge cash cow. A seasonal remake would probably take longer to finished than just starting one piece at the top

    This new anime will never clash with the current anime or the manga. Since it's seasonal, it's gonna take a long ass time to catch up to either one. The hype with One Piece is at an all time high right now but there is many potential fans like me turned off by the length and pacing of the current anime. This will bring in a whole lot of new fans like how the live action did

  • Dec 18, 2023
    1 reply

    This new anime will never clash with the current anime or the manga. Since it's seasonal, it's gonna take a long ass time to catch up to either one. The hype with One Piece is at an all time high right now but there is many potential fans like me turned off by the length and pacing of the current anime. This will bring in a whole lot of new fans like how the live action did

    It will clash with the original. It's two adaptations of the same huge IP in the same medium running at the same time, from two different studios.

    Whether that be toei decides to ruin the pacing of one piece even more, since there's already remake and they say f*** it let's just milk out even more, or even voice actor and ost conflicts.

    You're looking at from the perspective of a new fan understandably but I'm looking at from an old fan, I want a remake of one piece to be perfect. Even hxh as perfect as the remake was still ran into issues just because the Manga wasn't finished.

    If one piece finishes next year, sure not that big of an issue, but the Manga could finish in 2030

  • Dec 18, 2023

    Nothing touching Brotherhood