Luffy would clean the floor with shanks
Just want to see him in action tbh, the most action we got from shanks is him staring at a Sea King and him blocking Akainu’s attack.
Just want to see him in action tbh, the most action we got from shanks is him staring at a Sea King and him blocking Akainu’s attack.
Clash w WB
Luffy would clean the floor with shanks
Shanks stopped Kaido w ease and was a day later at Marineford or some s***
Shanks stopped Kaido w ease and was a day later at Marineford or some s***
Kaido was literally strongest creature alive
Epic come back from Oda, he never disappoints.
So ready for some new world building s*** in the next chapters
Is shanks a villain ??????
Deadbeat ass mf
Didn't even know he was his father
The stocks for antagonist Shanks theories are going up
If shanks is a villain it’s Luffy Vs shanks Vs Blackbeard Vs the world government
man the whole situation around the death of cobra involving sabo is so strange. y'all think sabo truly did that s***? cause iirc cobra wasn't really hated by his people right? so why would sabo go after him? If luffy were to find out he murdered vivi's dad can't imagine he'd be so happy about it.
I want the ANSWERS ODA