Just started this yesterday it was a lil slow but started picking up for me around when usopp joins the crew I’m really fw this so far
An incredible story awaits you
You're putting in work though, if you got to Usopp joining the crew in one day that means you watched at least 17 episodes SHEESH
You gonna be caught up in no time
I wish I were in here with yall discussing this s*** lmao it looks fun and the show lookin like it shapes up to become incredible based off what I’ve seen @Prosper
Alright I’m out yall
Nothing like the week a new chapter drops (esp rn ) and trying to make sense of it and what it might mean for what's coming next in the story and talking to people about it
started One Piece in October. finally near this arc. On episode 962
Glad you stuck with it this long and hope you're enjoying it
You gonna pick up the manga when you're caught up?
Glad you stuck with it this long and hope you're enjoying it
You gonna pick up the manga when you're caught up?
tbh I Lowkey might. Right now im just reading Berserk and Sakamoto Days
tbh I Lowkey might. Right now im just reading Berserk and Sakamoto Days
You gotta honestly, the arc following Wano is one of the best and the anime is just getting to it
Reading weekly rn is amazing, so many insane chapters and moments that get you wanting to talk to whoever you can about what you just read and leave you hungry for the next one
You gotta honestly, the arc following Wano is one of the best and the anime is just getting to it
Reading weekly rn is amazing, so many insane chapters and moments that get you wanting to talk to whoever you can about what you just read and leave you hungry for the next one
lol hate that I follow anime twitter cause it's constant bickering over Sanji vs. Zoro and whose better.
lol hate that I follow anime twitter cause it's constant bickering over Sanji vs. Zoro and whose better.
Glad I don't keep up with anything that would show me much of that because I know it exists and even just knowing of it 🤮
There are so many other things that OP offers that are actually worth discussing
One really understated ability at BB’s disposal is Avallo’s df ability. Whenever BB knows of the location for the ancient weapon Avallo can fuse with the island and instantly feel where it is.
The perfect scenario for BB for the last poneglyph is knowing where it is, teleport to the island, use Avallo, then decipher the contents through Pudding’s 3rd eye.
One really understated ability at BB’s disposal is Avallo’s df ability. Whenever BB knows of the location for the ancient weapon Avallo can fuse with the island and instantly feel where it is.
The perfect scenario for BB for the last poneglyph is knowing where it is, teleport to the island, use Avallo, then decipher the contents through Pudding’s 3rd eye.
BB pirates are f***ing stacked
BB pirates are f***ing stacked
The more they get the more Oda has to write himself out of that hole. Lmao its like kaido all over again
The more they get the more Oda has to write himself out of that hole. Lmao its like kaido all over again
Nah they're extremely strong but it's way different for various reasons:
Crew vs one singular force (I know Beast Pirates and all but everything started and ended with Kaido)
As strong as the BB pirates are they've already been shown to have multiple failings including cowardice while Kaido's strength was basically incomprehensible
Kaido was always ready for all comers because...yeah, BB pirates have gotten where they are through meticulous planning and luck (think about how often they speak of fate, how many lucky breaks they've needed etc)
We just saw old man Garp (not to downplay him, dude is still a monster but yeah) smash up half the crew before Kuzan stepped in
Speaking of Kuzan...we don't even know what he's planning
I'm sure Oda had Kaido in mind for a long time but he's been writing BB and co for 20 years and their writing is FOUNDATIONAL to the story (foil for Luffy and the SHs, dreams have no end etc) so he's had plenty of time to figure how this is gonna go even as the story expands and changes
Nah they're extremely strong but it's way different for various reasons:
Crew vs one singular force (I know Beast Pirates and all but everything started and ended with Kaido)
As strong as the BB pirates are they've already been shown to have multiple failings including cowardice while Kaido's strength was basically incomprehensible
Kaido was always ready for all comers because...yeah, BB pirates have gotten where they are through meticulous planning and luck (think about how often they speak of fate, how many lucky breaks they've needed etc)
We just saw old man Garp (not to downplay him, dude is still a monster but yeah) smash up half the crew before Kuzan stepped in
Speaking of Kuzan...we don't even know what he's planning
I'm sure Oda had Kaido in mind for a long time but he's been writing BB and co for 20 years and their writing is FOUNDATIONAL to the story (foil for Luffy and the SHs, dreams have no end etc) so he's had plenty of time to figure how this is gonna go even as the story expands and changes
Yeah, I'd also add we've seen that BB/Crew ultimately are chief opportunists and will back down if things are not in their favor e.g. when Rayleigh pulled up on BB.
Yeah, I'd also add we've seen that BB/Crew ultimately are chief opportunists and will back down if things are not in their favor e.g. when Rayleigh pulled up on BB.
Yeah I was trying to get at that with the meticulous planning part but 100 percent
Last chapter was too good for me to go back to reading spoilers
Just gotta wait one more day 😤😤
started One Piece in October. finally near this arc. On episode 962
Damn g. You been averaging 200 episodes per month or what lol
Damn g. You been averaging 200 episodes per month or what lol
There was someone in here over a year ago that allegedly caught up from episode 1 in like 2 months or something
One Piece is really blowing up these last few months, the synergy between the pandemic giving a lot of free time for People to catch up, plus one piece live action, plus gear 5, plus how hype egghead is made One piece really start to enter mainstream awareness.
When The One Piece remake drops on Netflix i really believe One Piece has a shot of becoming the first really mainstream animation series by 2030, im talking game of thrones/ breaking bad levels