You know this chapter is crazy because it made TCB open up the comments again.
Why did they close em in the first place??
chapter is heat also never expected to have a character in one piece to have the same name as me lmao
What up Bjørn 😤😤
I guess I'm not in those same corners of Twitter as y'all are since I'm not seeing the hate but I don't understand why the hate is there seeing as this was the explanation of Bonney's powers and her potentially becoming a second Nika was foreshadowed right after the Kuma flashback during her dialogue with Saturn. All this s\*\*\* takes is some reading lmao
If anything this is like saying it kills Goku's initial transformation into a Super Saiyan since every other Saiyan ended up with the transformation, not when it makes sense within the context of the story
Was surprised to see the posts here about people hating
Read the chapter and everything made 100 percent sense based off what's already been shown and written
Who'd have thought that out of everyone in the worst generation, the top 3 would be Luffy, BB, and BONNEY
this like looking at busts in an nba draft ^
Brain rot is settling in, it’s like some corners of the internet forgot how her powers work
What are some of the main things people are complaining about??
can bonney still use her power to make people children as nika
Like during the flashback she did something insane . why would this not be next if her limit is her imagination
The nigga Saturn even said 'she hasn't made the connection yet' because her belief in Nika was waning. If her belief is back, what the f\*\*\* you think was gonna happen?
What are some of the main things people are complaining about??
Why did they close em in the first place??
No clue but I'm glad it's back, best part of reading the new chapters.
Nah bro like there's gotta be limitations on that
The potential of what the f*** we just saw is so crazy
Nigga she could copy blackbeard, the potential of her ability is cracked. That is the most broken thing in the verse easily. I see a lot of people pissed about it. I'm not gonna leap cuz Oda probably will have a drawback on the s\*\*\*. The potential is astronomical tho.
It’s just copy with extra steps, this isn’t some crazy creative technique lol but I see the vision
Who'd have thought that out of everyone in the worst generation, the top 3 would be Luffy, BB, and BONNEY
Don't disrespect Law
Was surprised to see the posts here about people hating
Read the chapter and everything made 100 percent sense based off what's already been shown and written
Yeah it’s disliked a lot on Twitter. People think it’s a horrible choice to make what Luffy have not completely unique to him. People know it’s not an asspull, just why did Oda make her essentially copy Luffy awakening when he is suppose to represent Nika. Narratively it makes sense though to me with the Kuma plot point, but it is going the extreme with Bonny who is now this top tier side character out of nowhere recently so it’s going to need some development for people to come around I feel
Help me out since I read OP in a binge. Because she witnessed Luffy use his awakened she was able to also have a nika form, so how is she getting weaker if she had to realize what Nika was like in order to use it? Wouldn’t the true vision be knowing who Nika was?
Don't disrespect Law
law not big 3 anymore
Help me out since I read OP in a binge. Because she witnessed Luffy use his awakened she was able to also have a nika form, so how is she getting weaker if she had to realize what Nika was like in order to use it? Wouldn’t the true vision be knowing who Nika was?
She needs a full idea of what she turns into, so as of now since she actually sees Nika she can form into him but it's not as strong as him
Still a OP ability but it's not on par to what she transforms into and the turning people to different ages wouldn't be that effective vs high haki pirates
She needs a full idea of what she turns into, so as of now since she actually sees Nika she can form into him but it's not as strong as him
Still a OP ability but it's not on par to what she transforms into and the turning people to different ages wouldn't be that effective vs high haki pirates
you calling vice admirals mid?
law not big 3 anymore
Because of a ambush vs the #2 pirate crew in the verse
It’s just copy with extra steps, this isn’t some crazy creative technique lol but I see the vision
it's not about it being crazy it's about how broken it could be
they lack the haki that certain individuals have to fully be able to capitalize on where that could go, but it has a plethora of possibilities
now i have zero expectation for it to actually achieve any of that but still cool to think about