Niggas got sunk by King Deadbeat 💔
Everybody got a deadbeat power up besides Saturn
Kuzan is lying his ass off talking about he was going for the kill
Idk if I misread it cuz they talked about the revos, is BB sabotaging the food supply of marejois or is it the revos? BB even having that info would make me think it's of their doing
Idk if I misread it cuz they talked about the revos, is BB sabotaging the food supply of marejois or is it the revos? BB even having that info would make me think it's of their doing
The Revs
Idk if I misread it cuz they talked about the revos, is BB sabotaging the food supply of marejois or is it the revos? BB even having that info would make me think it's of their doing
The last episode of the anime just adapted the part where Ivan was talking about it
LEGO is a Scandinavian company..
Loki got em
That was my first thought
That was my first thought
Damn I got that from someone else, you on it fr
Wonder if that sword is for show/dressing her up or if she's bout to get tested
Lafitte just chilling there the whole time kinda underwhelming lol
I thought he was on some kinda special Secret Mission for bb
Lafitte just chilling there the whole time kinda underwhelming lol
I thought he was on some kinda special Secret Mission for bb
His move and the next big BB pirates move is coming soon
So who got Split up
All the OG Straw Hats prior to Alabasta if we’re going off who all was left on the Giants ship at the end of the chapter. Maybe this is how Vivi gets reintroduced to the crew
All the OG Straw Hats prior to Alabasta if we’re going off who all was left on the Giants ship at the end of the chapter. Maybe this is how Vivi gets reintroduced to the crew
that’s my thoughts as well
And is kuma dead or what
I think he’s basically a vegetable. He was only able to move prior because of his lineage according to Vegapunk. Since Bonney’s safe it looks like he’s immobile again.