You’re a stupid motherfucker
Don’t think it’s that ridiculous of an opinion lol
"give it back to the indians"
Truman looks back at Oppenheimer in disgust
That s*** was CRAZY Lmaoo
That bomb scenes were the first time I legit got scared in cinema , like I have gotten chills before but I was ducking during those scenes.
S*** had my heart thumping ngl
The sound design for the bomb/shockwave was the best part of this movie. It completely made the moment more so than the practical mushroom cloud recreation
That bomb scenes were the first time I legit got scared in cinema , like I have gotten chills before but I was ducking during those scenes.
Beautiful buildup imo
Everyone warned Oppenheimer but nigga was crying at the end like he didn’t know the bomb would kill thousands
don't let that crybaby back in
Patriots fan in 2023 so what does that make you?
Here you are again being stupid
You’d rather have bandwagons fans?? Lmaoo 6 rings suck my d***
How does one consumer art like this? Lmaooo
Theyre trying so hard to force hate on this movie
Don’t think it’s that ridiculous of an opinion lol
Guy said interstellar was one of his worst
Followed by Batman his best lol
crazy how less than a minute of screen time is worth the imax price alone. I could stare into that as long as an Oppenheimer
Does she even know anything bout the 30s and 40s?
Why is Oppie speaking German instead of Dutch in the beginning in Leiden?
Big mistake for such a huge production
Didn't understand the purpose of the black and white shots throughout.
Different times bro...
christopher nolan really is the type to use a nuke to film a movie