in for Joaquin Phoenix vs Adam Driver for best actor
Would love for either to win those two have been brilliant recently 😍
My predictions for best actor nom:
Adam Sandler
Joaquin Phoenix
Robert De Niro
Adam Driver
My predictions for best actor nom:
Adam Sandler
Joaquin Phoenix
Robert De Niro
Adam Driver
would A24 push Sandler over Pattinson?
would A24 push Sandler over Pattinson?
I think they would, or maybe they could get both.
Pushing Sandler is definitely a more appealing choice though. Uncut Gems seems to be a more accessible movie.
Another one bites the dust
"As we do every year, the Academy is in the process of reviewing the films submitted for the International Feature Film category to determine whether they meet our eligibility rules. The film Joy, submitted by Austria, was just reviewed and is ineligible because only 33% of the dialogue is non-English."
This thread is for the Oscars, keep that rollercoaster s*** in the theme park threads b
Scorsese needs a suit for the Oscars meeting!
Don’t they ignore Netflix movies?
Don’t they ignore Netflix movies?
Roma got nominated last year for best picture and won 3 Oscars so no.
Also it still had a Theatre release.
Also s*** like Marriage Story is Netflix too but Driver and the movie still will prob be nominated
Don’t they ignore Netflix movies?
It was in theatres and Broadway bro and no they don't
Yall still watching this Hollywood pedophile circle jerk?
They can't keep getting away with it.
And I have no shame dragging/exposing a pedo cult lol