lol it s like the same 5 movies nominated for every category.. out
I feel like they intentionally do that to make sure each movie they be pushing for gets at least something
Dead at SW for best score
i have no idea why people thought he wasn't gonna get it. Last John Williams SW score ever, of course he's getting a nomination
i have no idea why people thought he wasn't gonna get it. Last John Williams SW score ever, of course he's getting a nomination
Just still hurt over Uncut Gems snob fam
Joker wasn’t even THAT good bruh
Yeah, it's the best non rollercoaster cbm after sm2
Adam sandler with the performance of the year and no nom
Jews don't run Hollywood anymore b...
You’re getting a follow for having both Uncut Gems avi AND banner
You’re getting a follow for having both Uncut Gems avi AND banner
Atleast it’s the people’s choice
i have no idea why people thought he wasn't gonna get it. Last John Williams SW score ever, of course he's getting a nomination
legacy nom
im not mad at it, but sucks they decided to shaft uncut gems for it
only one A24 movie letterboxd in shambles
the academy is upset about their success
only 7 years old and already has a best picture win and a best actress nom and many more nominations
Streets are going crazy over Gems being snubbed
Academy full of anti-Safdie boomers anyway, knew it since Good time got no noms either
legacy nom
im not mad at it, but sucks they decided to shaft uncut gems for it
If it wasn't Star Wars it wasn't gonna be Uncut Gems. Tbh it's a great score but it never had a chance. Most people were predicting Jojo Rabbit to get the 5th spot or something like Us/Ford v Ferrari.
the academy is upset about their success
only 7 years old and already has a best picture win and a best actress nom and many more nominations
Jews don't run Hollywood anymore b...
You’re the true joker for stanning a mid movie this hard lol