second time in a row Safdie's have gotten the performance of the year out of an actor and he's been snubbed
There is clear inspiration from Tarantinos filmog with Lady Snowblood and City of Fire but nobody is doing Tarantinos style. He homages scenes and lines and all that but the full package is his own
I agree, people need to accept that that’s what art is too
Art is as old as anything
So eventually stealing is part of it, it’s inevitable, it is what it is and there’s nothing wrong with that as long you’re making something new and creative out of it, and not shy away from where you took your inspirations obviously
Only thing good about uncut gems was that b**** with the fake ass
Stop exposing your terrible taste
Wasn’t fazed when the noms dropped but now I’m crine
when you realize this is probably the last great Sandler performance we ever gonna get
Lol garbage
Lighthouse is going down as a classic film bruh. Academy is really gonna look stupid in the long run for not giving it the deserved recognition
Lighthouse is going down as a classic film bruh. Academy is really gonna look stupid in the long run for not giving it the deserved recognition
Oscar been f***ing up for decades my g
I can pull you up a list of the worst snubs over the years and you gonna be crying all day
when you realize this is probably the last great Sandler performance we ever gonna get
Throw my body over the bridge already. I give up
Lighthouse is going down as a classic film bruh. Academy is really gonna look stupid in the long run for not giving it the deserved recognition
All the classic movies don’t need the oscars
It’s all good!!!
someone said 4chan is gonna be lit when they find out the comic book movie about the white loner got more noms than the one about the black superhero
someone said 4chan is gonna be lit when they find out the comic book movie about the white loner got more noms than the one about the black superhero
idk about 4chan, but I think it's reasonable to think Joker is much better than Black Panther. And even though Black Panther is better for diversity, ironically it also preaches much more conservative messages. A rare example where people should look past race