been killin it as dva lately, another tank to the list
dva still my fav tank of all time to play. so much fun hittting that perfect DM
dva still my fav tank of all time to play. so much fun hittting that perfect DM
dva goes crazy, been getting gold elims like no tomorrow
fought against 3 bots today
is this cross platform yet?
rein damage buff letsfuckinggo
Say what
hammer does 85 now
he's got 50 more armor for extra tankiness, and dva got her health/armor reverted back to 300 each
oh yeah bap got nerfed, i don't play him so idc
awfully late for winter wonderland
he's got 50 more armor for extra tankiness, and dva got her health/armor reverted back to 300 each
oh yeah bap got nerfed, i don't play him so idc
fuk bap
fuk bap
lamp tossin a******
Man i used to love this game.
But they got way too long of queues nowadays
Me too. Played this religiously, not can’t find a game
Me too. Played this religiously, not can’t find a game
What are you playing on? Most consoles are still active.
holy s*** that zen skin
finally a new dm map
free for all though
These new skins are really good
im appalled on how good these skins are, only miss i think is roadhogs
imma grind just for the zen one
dva snubbed again