i haven't stopped playing since i started. this games makes me realize how unpolished so many other games are
bro everytime i play a different game for a long period of time and i come back to ow im always impressed by how smooth it is. even though ive been playing it for like 3 plus years. crazy
F*** I forgot to buy the toybot skin
And the jack frost skin too f*** me
f*** me too
bro everytime i play a different game for a long period of time and i come back to ow im always impressed by how smooth it is. even though ive been playing it for like 3 plus years. crazy
the same thing and i've been playing for a year and a half now. the characters are charming, i actually care about the lore. the mechanics and movement feel smooth as silk, the pixar aesthetics are pleasing to the eyes, etc. in my top 3 favorite multiplayer games of all time. you're a dva main?
the same thing and i've been playing for a year and a half now. the characters are charming, i actually care about the lore. the mechanics and movement feel smooth as silk, the pixar aesthetics are pleasing to the eyes, etc. in my top 3 favorite multiplayer games of all time. you're a dva main?
it really is so nice. everything is smooth and barely come across any bugs tbh. people sleep on the overall quality.
and yes did i mention that somewhere here? i cant remember. although im basically a sigma main rn bc he took her spot out of the meta and is just better rn. dva still my fav off tank to play
it really is so nice. everything is smooth and barely come across any bugs tbh. people sleep on the overall quality.
and yes did i mention that somewhere here? i cant remember. although im basically a sigma main rn bc he took her spot out of the meta and is just better rn. dva still my fav off tank to play
after this sig nerf he's definitely gonna fall down the ladder. he's been nerfed like 5 times already and still considered op lol
beautiful header lol and she's the last character i got a gold weapon for. my fav tank will always be winston though
Crazy how I been playing this since Highschool now I'm grown w a crib still on this s*** lmao
I quit playing around Halloween 2020, first time I’d really taken an extended break in years. I hop on for a quick game now and then, but only in mystery heroes. Comp is so absurdly toxic, got tired of 13 year olds hitting my messages to curse at me
that hanzo skin brine
I quit playing around Halloween 2020, first time I’d really taken an extended break in years. I hop on for a quick game now and then, but only in mystery heroes. Comp is so absurdly toxic, got tired of 13 year olds hitting my messages to curse at me
i lowkey only get placements in comp and just let that s*** sit. i got low diamond on support last night and i know how crazy that rank can be so i stay far from it. got flamed like a mf during those placements
i lowkey only get placements in comp and just let that s*** sit. i got low diamond on support last night and i know how crazy that rank can be so i stay far from it. got flamed like a mf during those placements
I could never escape gold, and I never had the time to put in to get better lol. I had to turn off messages from people who weren’t my friend bc I kept getting flamed
I could never escape gold, and I never had the time to put in to get better lol. I had to turn off messages from people who weren’t my friend bc I kept getting flamed
i never turn off match/team chat, idk if you can even do that
correct if im wrong but i dont think there’s any more sr decay on diamond
i remember the first time i hit bronze being hard stuck in silver like 3 years ago, f***ed me up
i never turn off match/team chat, idk if you can even do that
Ah I see, I had it muted, but I meant on my PS4 as a whole. Not sure about decay though.
Ah I see, I had it muted, but I meant on my PS4 as a whole. Not sure about decay though.
i’ve only met a handful of people with mics on ps4, and i’ve been playing on that since launch up until last year
i’ve only met a handful of people with mics on ps4, and i’ve been playing on that since launch up until last year
I meant they were sending me messages on PS4, I never bothered to play with a mic bc the few times I did it was the same, either people didn’t have them, or the ones that did were vocal a******s. The same types who spam “Thanks!” when the team is losing lol
I meant they were sending me messages on PS4, I never bothered to play with a mic bc the few times I did it was the same, either people didn’t have them, or the ones that did were vocal a******s. The same types who spam “Thanks!” when the team is losing lol
i feel that, i had an ana nano me as a damn zen last night during a bad teamfight, spamming thanks like it was my fault
huh? like you made that decision
you thought gold was bad, wait til you get to plat/diamond
you thought gold was bad, wait til you get to plat/diamond
I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about it lol.
I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about it lol.
good, you don’t have to. its harder to climb on console
correct if im wrong but i dont think there’s any more sr decay on diamond
theres no decay at all anymore
theres no decay at all anymore
thats what i thought
ngl...bap is pretty fun, the dps aspect especially