  • Jan 12, 2021


    I love so many aspects to this game from the sound design to the attention to detail in the maps but most of the time playing the actual game leaves me feeling like absolute s***

    the fact that there's so many counters to each characters and map designs that prevents exploits is cool. i used to find so many glitches on cod, but you really can't do much of that on overwatch. blizzard has done such a great job on this game.

    why does it make you feel that way?

  • Jan 12, 2021
    2 replies

    F*** I forgot to buy the toybot skin

    And the jack frost skin too f*** me

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    with that being said, overwatch might have the most toxic community in gaming right now. i thought rainbow six siege was bad. holy s*** lol

    How so? Like on comp? I never play comp so I wouldn't notice.

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    How so? Like on comp? I never play comp so I wouldn't notice.

    yup. in comp. just had a torb go off on our mercy for like 10 minutes. dude made threats and even soft throwed lol somehow we still won

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    yup. in comp. just had a torb go off on our mercy for like 10 minutes. dude made threats and even soft throwed lol somehow we still won

    That's why I never play comp probably. I use to play ranked during gears of war 3 I still get flashbacks from that s*** every here and there. Not worth i play video games for fun. S*** feels like a job trying to keep up with the sweats. I hate how they tied gold guns to it as well f*** em for that I'd have many by now.

  • Jan 12, 2021

    Quick play overwatch is always fun f***ery if I can get someone to play reinhardt while I'm ana I'm gonna have a good time

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    That's why I never play comp probably. I use to play ranked during gears of war 3 I still get flashbacks from that s*** every here and there. Not worth i play video games for fun. S*** feels like a job trying to keep up with the sweats. I hate how they tied gold guns to it as well f*** em for that I'd have many by now.

    i hope they give us diamond guns on ow2, but yeah it sucks for those that don't play comp. i love to push myself competitively but i hate when it gets toxic and they are griefers/trolls. supports get it the worst and most of the time get blamed, even when they weren't fully responsible for what went down lol

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    i hope they give us diamond guns on ow2, but yeah it sucks for those that don't play comp. i love to push myself competitively but i hate when it gets toxic and they are griefers/trolls. supports get it the worst and most of the time get blamed, even when they weren't fully responsible for what went down lol

    That's so trash support is responsible for a lot but I wouldn't say there responsible for winning games. A good support can do a lot but carry a team I don't know about all that. Hating on support is trash unless support is doing some dumb s*** like mercy running around with a pistol I don't see how bad they can f*** up tbh.

  • Jan 12, 2021

    Tanks and dps can always make adjustments on the fly to adapt to any situation. A medic is a medic it's a support role like you said.

  • Jan 12, 2021

    I always give my medics a shot caller medal

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    That's so trash support is responsible for a lot but I wouldn't say there responsible for winning games. A good support can do a lot but carry a team I don't know about all that. Hating on support is trash unless support is doing some dumb s*** like mercy running around with a pistol I don't see how bad they can f*** up tbh.

    it's unfair. i'm mostly dps but i always endorse supports because they keep me alive. s***, most of the people i've met and had the best games and chemistry with are mercy players. s***, as much as she doesn't like to admit it, my girl is a mercy player lol

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    it's unfair. i'm mostly dps but i always endorse supports because they keep me alive. s***, most of the people i've met and had the best games and chemistry with are mercy players. s***, as much as she doesn't like to admit it, my girl is a mercy player lol

    F*** mercy lmfao. I main ana. But I get it. She's easy to pick up I guess and has high utility. I flex if I need to too sometimes. if someone is to blame for a loss from my experience it's usually the Widowmaker that cant land head shots but refuses to change character a hanzo or genji. It's rarely the medic to blame tbqfh.

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    And thank you brother I appreciate those endorsements

    I try to to give everyone playing the objective a shot caller but medics usually get my endorsements by default

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    F*** mercy lmfao. I main ana. But I get it. She's easy to pick up I guess and has high utility. I flex if I need to too sometimes. if someone is to blame for a loss from my experience it's usually the Widowmaker that cant land head shots but refuses to change character a hanzo or genji. It's rarely the medic to blame tbqfh.

    she mains ana as well, but mercy is her comfort character whenever we play quicplay. ana is her go-to for comp, but the best thing you can do is learn diff characters for situational moments. i main doomfist and hanzo, but both are struggling right now since hitscan is still meta

  • Jan 12, 2021
    Soo Diff

    And thank you brother I appreciate those endorsements

    I try to to give everyone playing the objective a shot caller but medics usually get my endorsements by default

    yup. it's the same for me. gotta show love to those healing the wounds and saving our lives.

  • Jan 12, 2021

    I played again for the first time in a while and within a few games I remembered why I quit lol. Played tank and got stun locked, CCd ect. Had a game where both lucio and Zarya basically played on their own and both only used 1 ult on 2CP. We ended up losing the last fight with both grav and beat and he didn't use speed so we didn't even contest. I can't fathom the brainpower of these people. I usually don't care about losses if the games fun but things like that kill me. If ana wasn't fun to play I really would have quit this a long time ago and uninstalled.
    I'll probably just chill until OW2 unless they add new maps and modes or heroes in the meantime. It really feels like they abondoned their game to make the 2nd one and the original is falling apart. Blizzard used to be awesome, Blizzard Activision is garbage.

  • kainie 🌌
    Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    F*** I forgot to buy the toybot skin

    And the jack frost skin too f*** me

    guess its until archives hits

  • Jan 12, 2021

    she mains ana as well, but mercy is her comfort character whenever we play quicplay. ana is her go-to for comp, but the best thing you can do is learn diff characters for situational moments. i main doomfist and hanzo, but both are struggling right now since hitscan is still meta

    Maining doomfist impressive

    Yeah I feel it I don't like to f*** around with too many characters tbh. It's usually ana or winston for me. Sometimes I'll f*** around with other characters but not really. Monkey balls and biotic grenades for everyone.

  • Jan 12, 2021

    guess its until archives hits


  • kainie 🌌
    Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    been getting deadly as mccree hittin around 70% accuracy consistently

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    been getting deadly as mccree hittin around 70% accuracy consistently

    my boy! you play on console or pc?

  • kainie 🌌
    Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    my boy! you play on console or pc?


  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply


    nothing feels smoother. genji is so f***in good on pc.

  • kainie 🌌
    Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    nothing feels smoother. genji is so f***in good on pc.

    i suck at him on pc not so much on console

  • Jan 12, 2021

    i suck at him on pc not so much on console

    i suck with him on console but i'm good with him on pc. lol the movement feels more fluid and my combos always connect. but i was playing with a busted ass ps4 controller instead of a logitech g915 lol so....
