This s*** still getting DDOS?
Nah im on
my s*** transferred from OW1 too finally
Lucio is a weird one to start with tbh, try a bunch of heroes and see which feels best to you
the map is big bc if you respawn and get right back into the action it’d get overwhelming and probably even unfair
having to take time to run back to the point allows for regrouping/staggering and gaining fair advantages if that makes sense
Im fw lucio tbh Im a w**** for wallrunning mechanics. Easy racking up heal points too
I got to see it on PS5 like an hour ago but wanted to charge controller and people were talking about they got into games then got disconnected so was like might as well wait for friends to party up or something
I just got in, one game and they kick me out again s*** almost as bad as gta 5 online launch day
I just got in, one game and they kick me out again s*** almost as bad as gta 5 online launch day
I am giving it time
Anybody getting their old skins?
Got everything, including my golden guns and credits
need to get back on my roadhog & reinhardt grind
Got everything, including my golden guns and credits
Did you use the exact same battle . Net account? I didn't but I connected to my same PSN account.
I paid money for this s***
never played OW1 and haven’t paid a cent but I’ve played like 20 matches so far
never played OW1 and haven’t paid a cent but I’ve played like 20 matches so far
I'm in now but don't have the battle pass and any of my skins from my other consoles
Will my skins from ps4 and switch carry over to xbox series?
Yeah, the ones that you unlocked tho. I bought legendary edition or whatever for the first game on PS4, and it came with a couple origin skins that I don't have on rn
Wow I guess I should've spent my ow1 coins on legendaries before this, oh well
You can't buy old legendary outfits or seemingly ANY NEW ONES with og credits, it's all premium currency now. What a joke, that was half the appeal of the first game
Will my skins from ps4 and switch carry over to xbox series?
supposed to tho i dont have any of mine which is a bug that some are experiencing where their skins aren't showing up yet
my friend who has played consistently for 6 years logged in and the game thinks he's a new player
making him do tutorials and s***
supposed to tho i dont have any of mine which is a bug that some are experiencing where their skins aren't showing up yet
Yeah same happening for me, I got all my skins from my old xbox account but nothing from my ps4 or switch yet smh
Also does anyone know if the battle pass is cross platform too? Like if I bought it on my xbox will I have it on my switch / ps4 too?
waited all week for my off day (today) and i cant even get in.....
edit: i literally just got in not even 5 minutes after posting this lmao