Also does anyone know if the battle pass is cross platform too? Like if I bought it on my xbox will I have it on my switch / ps4 too?
Yes if you link accounts. I do at least
my friend who has played consistently for 6 years logged in and the game thinks he's a new player
making him do tutorials and s***
It made me do tutorial and target practice
Wow I guess I should've spent my ow1 coins on legendaries before this, oh well
You can't buy old legendary outfits or seemingly ANY NEW ONES with og credits, it's all premium currency now. What a joke, that was half the appeal of the first game
yeah this free to play model definitely going to work odd
dont leave that menu
im two matches in now
not having a second tank feels strange
yeah this free to play model definitely going to work odd
We'll see if everyone's crying will make them budge, considering it made them redesign the whole game last time
They ain't budge for Diablo immortal tho so this one prolly DOA on the predatory practice front
Wow I guess I should've spent my ow1 coins on legendaries before this, oh well
You can't buy old legendary outfits or seemingly ANY NEW ONES with og credits, it's all premium currency now. What a joke, that was half the appeal of the first game
They made the game worse and charged you more for it
Played only 2 matches after hours of trying to get in. So far, as a 6 year vet, this s*** ass. We'll see how i feel in the future.
Its alright wish i opened all my loot boxes before it transitioned
Orisa changes pretty nice
I haven't had this much fun since Black Ops 2. I took a long break from gaming but OW2 has restored the feeling.
I haven't had this much fun since Black Ops 2. I took a long break from gaming but OW2 has restored the feeling.