I loved overwatch
oh then you going overboard uninstalling lol just give it time
That's horseshit man.
yeah i really doubt this was intentional, its probably just the servers overloaded, maybe in a few weeks we'll have our stuff back
oh then you going overboard uninstalling lol just give it time
It’s 2022 and a whole day after launch and I still haven’t gotten passed the start screen
This ain’t getting my attention man
LOL you really really trying to play. Nah it got nothing with a VPN. Just about letting the TV sit on with PS5 and eventually lets me through. I haven't gotten through on PC yet though. Then after you get through even if you have played before you have to do tutorial. Give them time to sort things out
yeah probably i’ll try again next week. a lot of people are going to write this game off tho bc how bad this launch is. its actually embarrassing
It’s 2022 and a whole day after launch and I still haven’t gotten passed the start screen
This ain’t getting my attention man
i got through in 10 minutes, you playing on last gen huh?
only played 2 games, used Widowmaker then switched to Tracer for the last game. I did pretty well with Tracer so I’ll prolly keep using her rn
I waited 2 hours in queue just to not be able to press the merge account button..i barely have any free time after work too
I waited 2 hours in queue just to not be able to press the merge account button..i barely have any free time after work too
yeah probably i’ll try again next week. a lot of people are going to write this game off tho bc how bad this launch is. its actually embarrassing
Server issues are always inevitable especially when you transfer an entire fanbase to a free to play sequel. Its free to play gamers can be frustrated but shrug its not that serious
I'm getting in instantly on PS4 but still have to wait ages in a queue on xbox series and switch
Haven’t had a single balanced game it’s either steamroll or get steamrolled
I was steamrolling for like 10 games straight.
I waited 2 hours in queue just to not be able to press the merge account button..i barely have any free time after work too
2 hours
account still not ‘merging’
Dont even know why it made me do it again it was already merged
Series X
damn smh what time were you tryna play? when i played it was like 8:00 AM and i barely had to wait
I'm a tank main now. DVA and Ball >>>>>
I thought OW2 was going to be a expansion but this feels like a different game.
Sitting in party chat watching literally every nigga in there come and go as they please is really pissing Me tf off. I haven't gotten in once this entire time
This is getting uninstalled if I don't get my skins and s*** back