hasnt merged for you too?
Nope. I don't have a single one of my old skins that I spent years earning
wait wtf happened?
Can't merge my accounts. Idk why
So all my old skins are just gone ig. F***ing s***ty
Can't merge my accounts. Idk why
So all my old skins are just gone ig. F***ing s***ty
Think you waited too long. They did a whole post and everything about how you needed to go into ow1 and manually merge your s***s into 1 battle.net account before this one dropped
I had to wait until a free ps plus weekend to do mine, I wasn't about to pay 10 dollars to literally only migrate cosmetics
But honestly, so many people are complaining about their lack of transparency on this front, you might catch a break idk
Think you waited too long. They did a whole post and everything about how you needed to go into ow1 and manually merge your s***s into 1 battle.net account before this one dropped
I had to wait until a free ps plus weekend to do mine, I wasn't about to pay 10 dollars to literally only migrate cosmetics
But honestly, so many people are complaining about their lack of transparency on this front, you might catch a break idk
That's horseshit man.
this launch is such a disaster
remember when a game would come out and you could just… play it? miss that
literally waiting 2 hours to enter a game and it freezes lmfao you can’t make this up
literally waiting 2 hours to enter a game and it freezes lmfao you can’t make this up
I got two games in and did well in one game. My brain is satisfied
Haptic Feedback on PS5 on this game is no joke. Why you would truly have it on when it puts you at an disadvantage who knows but it feels good to shoot a gun I cant lie
I got two games in and did well in one game. My brain is satisfied
lucky af i turned on a vpn and still no luck
lucky af i turned on a vpn and still no luck
LOL you really really trying to play. Nah it got nothing with a VPN. Just about letting the TV sit on with PS5 and eventually lets me through. I haven't gotten through on PC yet though. Then after you get through even if you have played before you have to do tutorial. Give them time to sort things out
Should I download this on PC or Xbox Series X
Both to see which one you advance in the Que faster in I am not joking
PC I havent gotten through but PS I have
Also depends if your account is linked I guess
I’m not even gonna try anymore
Uninstalling lmaoo
I just got in on pc but it is definitely similar game like if you didn’t like Overwatch no point