I don’t even use any other accounts anymore
i still just mix it up all the time. for whatever reason some of my roles are not consistent at all tho. my tank smurf is higher on support and my support smurf is higher on my tank? and then i have like a 3300 account that i literally just cannot climb in. idk if its cuz mid diamond is the worst elo in the world or its because this meta is impossible to carry in, especially on support
the mei deathmatch mode might be the best event mode they ever did tbh. Need ranked and more maps
lucioball still the goat tho
New to Overwatch. Had it for PS4 a while back and couldn't get into it, but recently bought it for Switch and have been getting stuck in. Enjoying it so far, reminds me a lot of TF2 when that was big.
Kinda feel bad for him ngl
Rotating hero bans
recently got back into this on PC (i think high plat on zen is farthest i got on console) but ball is so much fun but idk how good he is for comp