I bit on buying the Switch port and I’m glad I did. My current favorite way to play.
I bit on buying the Switch port and I’m glad I did. My current favorite way to play.
Who do you main?
Who do you main?
If I’m running attack Solider, if I’m running Tank D.VA or Hog, if I’m running healer Moira or Ana
Mei, Orisa, Hanzo, BappyTaffy banned
I bit on buying the Switch port and I’m glad I did. My current favorite way to play.
what makes it better? doesnt it have like a lower frame rate i been thinking ab buying too
what makes it better? doesnt it have like a lower frame rate i been thinking ab buying too
For me personally I prefer playing games on handheld. It’s not that it’s a superior port to the others but that factor shines a lot for me. When I’m waiting to do something and need to waste time it’s nice to just cut on my switch and play. Can’t speak for everyone’s experience but in handheld mode I’ve been getting a very consistent 30 FPS.
Another DPS
i don't play anymore.
ah i see. well what were you before you stopped?
ah i see. well what were you before you stopped?
hard stuck masters.
hard stuck masters.
elo heck lol. i was stuck plat :/ but i stopped playing too thank gosh
hadnt played this game in like 2 years. Theres a role queue now and it f***ing sucks. Basically cemented ill never play again, f*** blizzard too
Won 8 rank in a row and ended with 1 draw tonight with the squad, haven’t had a no loss night in a minute