In case yall were wondering
& more context from @Campari on Kelly's royalties
"Let me some more context to 40s statement because people need to know. I believe in 2019, Sony froze all of Kelly’s accounts & because he’s being sued, his royalties are being claimed by the landlord of a studio & the people he victimized therefore he effectively gets no cut.
As per Billboard:
His existing recordings still generate plenty of revenue that flows to former label RCA Records — about $1.7 million in the United States so far this year, Billboard estimates — but the resulting royalties don’t go into Kelly’s pockets. That’s because the money has been claimed by both his former recording studio landlord and a woman who won a $4 million judgment against him for allegedly sexually abusing her when she was 16"
My goat
Why not use that part then cause r Kelly gets paid ? Like was it worth the sample ?
Wow and the long ass intro kind of ruins the song too and is half the reason it might not be a big hit so this all could have been avoided easily. All this negative attention for no reason.
Oh well... I'm good on that I got a version of Not Around that only has him saying "Yeah, we back" and then the magic begins
And yeah I'm never calling it TSU it's forever Not Around to me
Just Remove it and gave the original person do it over.
Why not use that part then cause r Kelly gets paid ? Like was it worth the sample ?
Word... he says "if we wanted to use the Ron C sample" as if it was an integral part of the song that would ruin it if it's taken out when it's literally the complete opposite.
Word... he says "if we wanted to use the Ron C sample" as if it was an integral part of the song that would ruin it if it's taken out when it's literally the complete opposite.
Would have been better to say nothing
they f***ed that song with that slow ass boring intro and now this s*** like cmon
Just Remove it and gave the original person do it over.
Wooorrrrd 40 acting like the nigga that did the sample is dead or something ain't Ron C OVO? They couldn't ask him to redo it? Idk about them OVO boys decisions lately.
Why not use that part then cause r Kelly gets paid ? Like was it worth the sample ?
r kelly makes no money off his music lmao
they f***ed that song with that slow ass boring intro and now this s*** like cmon
Lol they have the master of chopped and screwed alive and well and didn’t call him to do an intro
Lol they have the master of chopped and screwed alive and well and didn’t call him to do an intro
tells me it was probably a very last minute addition but still it doesn't sit well with me
Unseasoned ass niggas im out man
You listening to a minute long intro just to get to a mid track im sleep
r kelly makes no money off his music lmao
Good news if true but what are you basing what you are saying off of ?