This game is a mega hit
It's been fun playing this game with my GF. Got me a little dream pal riding with me
Had no idea this dropped on ps5 lol. Is it worth buying or just flavor of the month mid?
Had no idea this dropped on ps5 lol. Is it worth buying or just flavor of the month mid?
I'm addicted to it right now. If you're into survival crafting and creature collection it's a must buy
crazy fall off
theres 17k people playing on steam rn and i would assume the numbers are also high on console. it’s doing just fine imo
this game learns a lot of lessons from others in the genre, it doesnt complicate resources, it lets u automate tasks so u can stick to exploring
ill take this over ark any day, its fun as s***. seriously dont get the hate
Anything new with the game? Was addicted for a few weeks earlier this year, was thinking of getting it for my PS5 cuz my Xbox is kinda f***ed up
Anything new with the game? Was addicted for a few weeks earlier this year, was thinking of getting it for my PS5 cuz my Xbox is kinda f***ed up
The tuned up the base working abilities and added a few new pals. Other than that not really…but I haven’t played a ton