I was 18. My friend was 40
Losing that 40 blows man.
Sucks about the 18 but at least you know what you’re doing now so it shouldn’t take a ton of time getting that back.
Still sucks like you said
Losing that 40 blows man.
Sucks about the 18 but at least you know what you’re doing now so it shouldn’t take a ton of time getting that back.
Still sucks like you said
Yea my boy put in over 30 hours, he was mad as s***, me tbh not much of a gamer but apparently they gona teach me how to level up fast so I'll probably get back in it
Yea my boy put in over 30 hours, he was mad as s***, me tbh not much of a gamer but apparently they gona teach me how to level up fast so I'll probably get back in it
Was this PC? Gamepass or Steam?
Been playing this s*** for like 3 hours it’s so addicting
Almost s*** my pants when some big f***s raised my base and burned it to the ground
What are some similar games to this? I'm addicted to the base building
Been watching RDC stream this and holy s***, the game is deep af People been talking about "Pokémon with guns" but it's so much more than that. Okay, they took systems from a lot of other games. But they still put so much content and effort in here already
This exact same game with actual Pokémon and a more responsive combat system would go so f***ing crazy. It's Nintendo/Gamefreak's own fault for not doing it sooner, they know we been begging for something like this. Legends Arceus sequel needs to take inspiration from this game
thinking about buying this but i don’t usually like grindy survival games but the other mechanics sound intriguing
Been watching RDC stream this and holy s***, the game is deep af People been talking about "Pokémon with guns" but it's so much more than that. Okay, they took systems from a lot of other games. But they still put so much content and effort in here already
This exact same game with actual Pokémon and a more responsive combat system would go so f***ing crazy. It's Nintendo/Gamefreak's own fault for not doing it sooner, they know we been begging for something like this. Legends Arceus sequel needs to take inspiration from this game
taking the best aspects of at-the-time modern gaming and repackaging them into a fun experience is what made Fortnite blow up initially. I think these devs know whats up and just raking in cash knowing perfectly well what they're doing
Pokemon can learn some things from palworld and palworld can learn things from pokemon it's that simple
Pokemon can learn some things from palworld and palworld can learn things from pokemon it's that simple
This is why I love competition when it comes to video games
Definitely will force both franchises to be their best
This is why I love competition when it comes to video games
Definitely will force both franchises to be their best
The fact that Pokemon is paying attention to pal world is a very, very good thing.
What are some similar games to this? I'm addicted to the base building
I find 2/3 of my time on this game is farming mats and building s***. They could chilled out with the building times
It took my 2 hours to go from 29 to 30, my dumbest friends maxed out the spawn counts so I die pretty much constantly
Why does this game take up so much memory? i can run cyperpunk no problems but this is the game that gives me memory problems