  • Ferry Lady video

  • Goldmenace

    Will be at that Atlanta show, Toro y Moi and Nourished by time all apart of the show as well

    hell yeah, those are gonna be some really cool shows.

  • can't wait for this, sounds like he's heading in an interesting direction. Ferry Lady is dope and I'm sure it'll grow on me but just heard like a minute of Defense and it was so good I had to turn it off after finding out it's the last song of the album

    can't spoil the finale like that

  • Ends Meet

  • Album of the year, so far.

  • thought this was a week or two away wow so in

  • wow that entire 4 track run to the end is unbelievable

  • Feb 28


  • Feb 28
    1 reply

    elegy for noah lou

  • Praise

  • I'm hoooooldin onnnnn to yoooouuuu

  • Feb 28

    first thing am listening after work

    i could sense greatness

  • Til the heart don't beat, I'll meet the ends - what else can I do?

  • I'm gonna try my luck on the outsiiiiiide (I'm gonna try, I'm gonna try)

  • Defense really fits as the outro. Think I like the first half better with the more upbeat songs. Praise may be my favorite, great opener. Solid album.

  • into the fireeee get cleaned by the flaaaaame

  • Feb 28
    1 reply

    this album made me mad nostalgic...going back listening to person pitch, old AnCo, deerhunter. better times

    love the opener

  • knees

    elegy for noah lou

    after a few listens, still my fav track on here. haunting

  • Mar 4
    2 replies

    this album made me mad nostalgic...going back listening to person pitch, old AnCo, deerhunter. better times

    love the opener

    I miss Deerhunter so much. I was living in Atlanta and spending some weekends in Athens, GA (where they're from) around the time that Microcastle released. There was a special energy around the live music scene there.

  • real solid

  • Easylove

    I miss Deerhunter so much. I was living in Atlanta and spending some weekends in Athens, GA (where they're from) around the time that Microcastle released. There was a special energy around the live music scene there.

    absolutely, the music was one thing but the more organic-feeling social appreciation of it coupled with journalistic promotion through local outlets and idk just the bright-eyed optimism of the time makes it very easy to feel nostalgic now

  • This is dope. Best thing he has done in a while

  • Flaphead ๐ŸŽง
    1 reply

    Something about this album is so f***ing haunting man. Obviously the whole thing is beautiful, but the back half especially really gets to me on the late night listens.

  • I really love the last three tracks.