Will be at that Atlanta show, Toro y Moi and Nourished by time all apart of the show as well
hell yeah, those are gonna be some really cool shows.
can't wait for this, sounds like he's heading in an interesting direction. Ferry Lady is dope and I'm sure it'll grow on me but just heard like a minute of Defense and it was so good I had to turn it off after finding out it's the last song of the album
can't spoil the finale like that
Defense really fits as the outro. Think I like the first half better with the more upbeat songs. Praise may be my favorite, great opener. Solid album.
this album made me mad nostalgic...going back listening to person pitch, old AnCo, deerhunter. better times
love the opener
this album made me mad nostalgic...going back listening to person pitch, old AnCo, deerhunter. better times
love the opener
I miss Deerhunter so much. I was living in Atlanta and spending some weekends in Athens, GA (where they're from) around the time that Microcastle released. There was a special energy around the live music scene there.
I miss Deerhunter so much. I was living in Atlanta and spending some weekends in Athens, GA (where they're from) around the time that Microcastle released. There was a special energy around the live music scene there.
absolutely, the music was one thing but the more organic-feeling social appreciation of it coupled with journalistic promotion through local outlets and idk just the bright-eyed optimism of the time makes it very easy to feel nostalgic now
This is dope. Best thing he has done in a while
Something about this album is so f***ing haunting man. Obviously the whole thing is beautiful, but the back half especially really gets to me on the late night listens.
I really love the last three tracks.