Something about this album is so f***ing haunting man. Obviously the whole thing is beautiful, but the back half especially really gets to me on the late night listens.
It has a Beach Boys on a bad acid trip energy in the 2nd half of the album.
Need to give this another proper listen. I will say that it didnt capture me as much as RESET, which was an instant certified nocomment classic
I miss Deerhunter so much. I was living in Atlanta and spending some weekends in Athens, GA (where they're from) around the time that Microcastle released. There was a special energy around the live music scene there.
people on their subreddit claim that apparently the band isnt over and might be coming back in a year so fingers crossed
people on their subreddit claim that apparently the band isnt over and might be coming back in a year so fingers crossed
Word? I hope so man. Iโd settle for anew Atlas Sound album too.
At first it was a good album but as iv played it in the background its gottn even better