loving the game but the drops are really really bad lmao
I understand it now. Collect all blue drops. Disenchant till you get 40 transmutation orbs the. Sell all identified blues, hold onto all rares and when you fill a stash tap take time to go through them and disenchant the bad ones.
Pick up all rune slot normals /blues and break the, down in the forge for orbs. Act 3 things start to drop more and in cruel diff you’ll have currency exchange
Lachlann of Endless Torment beating my ass
What class you using? I feel like the Mercenary class is OP cuz I’m walking through everything in like one try
What class you using? I feel like the Mercenary class is OP cuz I’m walking through everything in like one try
Was gonna go Merc but I was trying out warrior and just stuck with it so far lol. It’s been decent so far. I’ve been beating most bosses I encounter on the first try.
Ain’t even passed act 1 yet and I’ve made 3 characters to experiment with. Currently trying to figure out how to set skills to be used with certain weapons on a multi weapon build.
Made a zombie summoning monk that has been incredibly fun so far
My Warrior n witch were pretty straight forward. Feeling a bit more confident after messing around with the passive tree
loving the game but the drops are really really bad lmao
The game is very similar to Ruthless in PoE1. It gives you bases to start crafting on, that being said the currency rates need to be upped esp regals
Wrapped act 1 enjoying this a lot. Still don’t feel like I have much of a “build” yet though.
Im the only last remaining one out of my friend group whose build hasnt been touched, surely im not next
I just crafted a lvl 52 +4 melee skill 43-150 lightning and some cold damage on a quarter staff with 6% leech on hit I’m deleted everything
After becoming familiar with the game a bit, I can see the game “classes” are more so for which ascendancy class you want to pick for endgame. Since skills are tied to weapons gives you a more versatile approach to crafting builds. Some starting classes work better for what you may have in mind though due to node placements on charts. But you can make a wand using magic warrior straight from lvl 1 if you wanted for example. Similar to Elden Ring in that sense
I hope they release the Druid at some point during EA. I like transformation/summoning classes. My current haphazard Monk summoning build is decent so far.
I am going insane. Im on map tier 8 and somehow still cant beat the 3rd acendenacy trial
i'm thinking i'm gonna do the blood mage ascendancy for my witch
Im making that next but people saying its ass
The fact that this doesn’t have cross MTX support for pc to ps5 kinda killed my spirit to play this any further ngl. Im big on aesthetics, and all the armor you get in game f***ing looks awful. The MTX shop has some half decent armors I wanted to get, and some animation effects. But if I can’t access it if I login on pc, and I hear you need to buy things like stash tabs to even seriously play the game. Even that s*** don’t transfer over? Im not buying s*** 2x just to play.
The fact that this doesn’t have cross MTX support for pc to ps5 kinda killed my spirit to play this any further ngl. Im big on aesthetics, and all the armor you get in game f***ing looks awful. The MTX shop has some half decent armors I wanted to get, and some animation effects. But if I can’t access it if I login on pc, and I hear you need to buy things like stash tabs to even seriously play the game. Even that s*** don’t transfer over? Im not buying s*** 2x just to play.
Maybe it's just me but the in-game 3d art looks amazing. Esp compared to PoE 1
And I can't think of any games that have cross mtx between console and PC. That's more of a Sony problem than GGG
Hmm, not sure how I feel about the game. Made it to maps and I’m playing minions now . There has been exploits of farming exalts, the terrible communities, design choices trials