That helmet unique for the merc build that ignites enemy’s in your presence dropped for me a few days ago and I’m gonna make that build .
Gonna change my invoked build into flicker strike and use that for farming maps while I get other characters through the campaign
Any of y’all know any black poe2 streamers?
Dieoxide is dope. He’s mainly a Diablo streamer but he’s playing POE2 now. But will likely still main Diablo
Anyone beat it and got to the endgame? I'm going through cruel right now wondering if it's worth it
This or Diablo? Never played either of them lol
I love both, diablo 4 is pretty easy compared to this but feels MUCH more limited. If you want more of a challenge with more freedom to do whatever you want with your build get poe2
This or Diablo? Never played either of them lol
this will be free next year at some point
diablo 4 is $30 right now very fun game too but that’s why i’m just waiting for this to be free
currently just started grim dawn great game so far
This or Diablo? Never played either of them lol
If you’ve never played an ARPG before, Diablo 4 is a good starting point. however, POE2 is setting the standard of ARPGs, even in EA. So it’s up to you, whether you want a challenge or ease into the genre
This or Diablo? Never played either of them lol
I’d say start with POE2 tbfh. All other ARPGs are just 1-2 button click zoom fest. POE2’s campaign lives up to the dungeon crawler motif.
great deal for ARPG fans
I started yesterday and I'm hooked.
great deal for ARPG fans
I started yesterday and I'm hooked.
me too the game is really fun i like how arcady it feels
me too the game is really fun i like how arcady it feels
thinking of buying the DLC but I should probably beat the base game first
thinking of buying the DLC but I should probably beat the base game first
ngl i pirated it and it came with it all but im probably gonna buy the game wanted to see if i would like it
Haven’t started maps cause I’m leveling new characters and been busy with work, got monk to endgame , gonna change that to flicker strike.
Radiant grief dropped for me and I’m leveling my merc rn for the build
great deal for ARPG fans
I started yesterday and I'm hooked.
Haven’t played Grim Dawn in years but I remember I used to love the class system
Bought bleed jewels and totem placement speed jewels . Bought those aggravated bleed boot unique .
I’m tryna see if I can make rip wire ballista totems work for war bringer with pierce. I know it might work .
Maybe armor break too
Items were like 3 ex in total so the s*** was cheap. Need to find a +4 projectile
Made a melee cold monk to get through to endgame and man replaying the campaign again-- Act 1 is definitely the best act so far. 2 is a good desert-based act but the bosses are a little flavorless. 3 is #2 just because of all the cool Vaal s*** and Doryani in the flesh
I hope Act 5 lives up to the hype with the return to Oriath