  • Dec 26, 2024
    2 replies

    Saw some gameplay of PoE2 and thought that s*** looked dope. Started playing the first one and goddamn this s*** confusing. I’m progressing but the amount of s*** getting thrown my way insane

  • Dec 26, 2024
    1 reply
    Invader HIM

    Saw some gameplay of PoE2 and thought that s*** looked dope. Started playing the first one and goddamn this s*** confusing. I’m progressing but the amount of s*** getting thrown my way insane

    Poe1 isn’t new game friendly at all , but poe2 is

  • Dec 26, 2024
    1 reply
    Invader HIM

    Saw some gameplay of PoE2 and thought that s*** looked dope. Started playing the first one and goddamn this s*** confusing. I’m progressing but the amount of s*** getting thrown my way insane

    PoE1 is a lot more difficult to get into because there’s so many systems. Def look into watching a few Zizaran videos if you ever get hardstuck or a build guide

  • Dec 26, 2024

    stuck between this or v rising

  • Dec 26, 2024

    Poe1 isn’t new game friendly at all , but poe2 is

    Definitely looks more appealing but i’ll just go through the first until the second one officially releases

  • Dec 26, 2024

    PoE1 is a lot more difficult to get into because there’s so many systems. Def look into watching a few Zizaran videos if you ever get hardstuck or a build guide

    Niggas jumping me left and right. But i’ll def check out buddy vids. I appreciate it

  • Dec 26, 2024

    I am hooked but endgame is TRASH. No reason for the waystones to be a one time use item.

  • Dec 26, 2024

    Just got one-shotted on Floor 2 for my third ascendancy on my Monk by a random rare mob with Extra Crits

  • Dec 29, 2024

    Been progressing slowly through this. Been having fun though. Level 26 Warrior. Haven’t really been following any build guides. Just making my own as I go. Was doing a Zombie summoning warrior, but zombies currently suck. You can only raise one at a time, and I think the most with gems that you can get them to stay is about 24-30 seconds. Not worth the investment in most scenarios. So I’ve been using Arsonist and Snipers, with 2 skeleton warriors. I have + minion levels on a few pieces of gear so they’ve been beefed up.

    My passive tree was rough until I got a few minion nodes. Now I’m not going full minion build. I know the optimal way to build is to stack damage on 1 or 2 particular skill(s) as much as possible, but I like using multiple skills if I’m able. Plus I actually like melee despite how awful armor is . So I want to be in the thick of it using Leap Slam, and n Sunder along with my summons. I found a great 1 hand mace for my build, provides minion levels, and all the other stats I need for my build. Got it for 2 exalts

    So essentially going for a scruffy Solo-Leveling-esq build. Eventually gonna use Reavers and Bruisers so I got more melee, and switch out my arsonist for Ice Mages. Wish it was easier to get spirit as a non Infernalist. But also want to keep a few Mace skills.

    Also thinking of going for the no crit hits but hits don’t miss node. Attacks slow af on Warrior and naturally doesn’t have high crit. I notice you can straight up whiff point blank attacks. I gotta see if they’re any closer accuracy nodes

  • Dec 29, 2024
    1 reply

    Oh yea about mid way through act 2. How do you do this ascension trials? I get to the second room and fail? I can’t get hit or my honor runs out. How do you do that as a melee character?

  • Dec 29, 2024

    Everything’s f***ing expensive. On t7 maps now. Got some div jewels that need to sell.

  • Jan 1
    1 reply

    Can’t wait till I’m back from my parents. Leveling freeze monk been fun as f***

  • Reading through this sounds like too much to manage lol
    I can play s*** like baldurs gate 3 no problem so idk. I know it's more action oriented and loot inventory management.

  • Jan 2
    1 reply
    Mr Motion

    Oh yea about mid way through act 2. How do you do this ascension trials? I get to the second room and fail? I can’t get hit or my honor runs out. How do you do that as a melee character?

    They fixing it apparently. Melee is basically hard mode in this game before level 50-60, i would over level to like level 35+ then do the trial, s*** i wait till 45 on some of my characters

  • Jan 2
    1 reply

    Can’t wait till I’m back from my parents. Leveling freeze monk been fun as f***

    You hear discussions of rich accounts getting hacked easily from just trading? Starting to notice more.

  • dawg

    You hear discussions of rich accounts getting hacked easily from just trading? Starting to notice more.

    My theory is that a lot of these rich accounts RMT’d and used the same password on the RMT site as they did on the PoE site. Making it so they can wipe their accounts clean and re-use the currency to sell

  • CutiePieHole

    They fixing it apparently. Melee is basically hard mode in this game before level 50-60, i would over level to like level 35+ then do the trial, s*** i wait till 45 on some of my characters

    Only Warrior, Monk melee is very easy past Act 1

  • S*** is kinda difficult. I don't really play isometric games other than baldurs gate 3.

    I have a monk and a merc. Don't know which character to progress with tbh

    Still extremely early on

  • Just got one shotted by exploding corpses for like the 5th time and my game froze on a breach I'm off this for now lmao

  • Oh this game isn't hard at all. I just wasn't playing merc lmao

    Monk wasn't necessarily difficult just i wasn't getting near as good of results.

  • Finally got to act 3 last night. Been progressing slowly. Don’t have a lot of time to play atm unfortunately.

    Final act 2 boss definitely a dps check. I beat him on my 2nd try but need to start going for damage nodes in the passive tree.

  • Jan 11


  • Jan 12
    1 reply

  • Scatt


    Funniest Quin clip of all time. Dying when he was dragging the maps to inv

  • think i'm on act 3 still, just went and time traveled or some s***. but think my built is starting to hit the wall. Did the Molten Vault, and took me like 10 tries to beat the guy. My dps was just too low, kept reaching the end of the quarry and the lava would over flow. I'd get him down to 1-3% of his health and die. Finally was able to kill him after switching to my old weapon which has less dps, but since I'm running minions, it adds +3 minion skills on it, so got my minions to lvl 17 and that helped a lot.

    But gotta find some upgrades but searching the trade shop, every upgrade is a marginal improvement at my current level, and isn't worth the cost to replace what I got at the moment. Like the I'm still in the campaign and people got gear listed for 50ex, where am I suppose to find all these exalts from? Since playing I've had 7 drop in about 64 hours in total game time.

    I was finally able to do my ascension quest, and went Titan. The best passive Titan has, you have to essentially waste 3 points to get to it (extra inventory space gotta be devs trolling). I gotta get 2 more ascendancy points to get it, thats the only way I can see to increase my power without finding new items, or trading atm. We'll see how it goes. These trials ain't really been my favorite.