Reminding me of my first build also didn’t start up, pretty sure it was something to with the RAM not being installed correctly
deadass same thing happened to me I plugged the ram into a different slot and it worked lmao
deadass same thing happened to me I plugged the ram into a different slot and it worked lmao
normally rams if you have a pair of them you must plug them in the first and the third slot
if you plug them in 1 and 2 they won't be recognized
it usually goes 1 - 3 and 2 - 4
normally rams if you have a pair of them you must plug them in the first and the third slot
if you plug them in 1 and 2 they won't be recognized
it usually goes 1 - 3 and 2 - 4
I had them in 1 and 3 and moving them into 2 and 4 is when they worked but I think I just didn’t install them correctly the first time
been playing a lot of risk of rain 2 lately, one of my favourite games now i think
been playing a lot of risk of rain 2 lately, one of my favourite games now i think
wish my friends were still into it, one of those games you can actually sink a whole day into so quick
been playing a lot of risk of rain 2 lately, one of my favourite games now i think
Literally the only game I've been playing for the last two months lol
Literally the only game I've been playing for the last two months lol
i just found out how to loop after like 80+ hours in the game and it opened up a whole new world for me
i just found out how to loop after like 80+ hours in the game and it opened up a whole new world for me
wym by loop bro?
wym by loop bro?
you can choose to not go to the moon to fight mithrix and you can just loop back around to the first stage, but keeping all your items and difficulty etc.
if you walk up to the teleporter on the fifth stage, instead of "activating the teleporter" you can "shift the teleporters destination" or something like that, so instead of being aligned with the moon its aligned with a planet.
you can choose to not go to the moon to fight mithrix and you can just loop back around to the first stage, but keeping all your items and difficulty etc.
if you walk up to the teleporter on the fifth stage, instead of "activating the teleporter" you can "shift the teleporters destination" or something like that, so instead of being aligned with the moon its aligned with a planet.
wow had no idea. Just found out about artifacts yesterday as well
wow had no idea. Just found out about artifacts yesterday as well
yeah it makes the game a lot more fun, just be prepared that if you get good rng your run can just keep going if you decide to keep looping, had one go for 2+ hours last night
can someone help me build a good budget pc?
whats your budget, and do you care about ray tracing.
whats your budget, and do you care about ray tracing.
i just jumped the gun and got a rx 6800xt
Oh lord!
Oh lord!"this is anti-consumerism, somehow" - steam weridos
any advice on a good budget psu? feel like the one i have at the moment isn't the best for my lil rig.