  • Mar 24, 2023
    2 replies
    · edited

    pure peanut butter is pretty liquid tbh

    y'all just used to that s*** with all sorts of additives that make it one big solid brick

    Yea cuz it taste better

  • Mar 24, 2023
    2 replies
    Mountain Dude

    Good point. something's fishy.
    "Yes, you can bring coconut oil on a plane. It is considered a liquid by TSA."

    Allowed because it's considered a liquid. But peanut butter banned because it's considered a liquid Something's amiss..

  • Mar 24, 2023
    2 replies

    Peanut Butter is trash

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Yea cuz it taste better

    iyo and that's fine

    i like my ingredient list for pb short, just pb and maybe salt thats it

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Peanut Butter is trash

    I'm going to have to ask you to change your avi, fellow AOT avi bearer. Can't risk our identities being mistaken if you going to have trash takes like this

  • Mar 24, 2023
    1 reply

    iyo and that's fine

    i like my ingredient list for pb short, just pb and maybe salt thats it

    Skippy just that and sugar

    (And uhh hydrogenated vegetable oil)

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Yea cuz it taste better

    these niggas really will force themselves to eat bullshit under the guise of it being better for you lmao

    it reminds me when i used to work fast food and niggas would fr order a diet coke instead of regular coke

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Skippy just that and sugar

    (And uhh hydrogenated vegetable oil)

    ye i dont like sugar in it, and it's already chock full of peanut oil so like

    but its not like i think im better for it lmfaooooo i just prefer one and other people prefer the other it is what it is its not a big deal at all

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Peanut Butter is trash

    Bro what the f***????????????????????

  • Mar 24, 2023
    2 replies

    Gotta respect the lacatoesandtolerance 👊

  • Mar 24, 2023
    1 reply

    ye i dont like sugar in it, and it's already chock full of peanut oil so like

    but its not like i think im better for it lmfaooooo i just prefer one and other people prefer the other it is what it is its not a big deal at all


    I like the sugar but the real thing for me is the texture, that liquid ass PB kinda gross to me

  • Mar 24, 2023
    Mountain Dude

    There's a war on peanut butter.

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Gotta respect the lacatoesandtolerance 👊

    PB is not dairy bruh

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Gotta respect the lacatoesandtolerance 👊

  • Mar 24, 2023
    4 replies

    No ones made their own peanut butter before?

    Take peanuts, put em in a blender, and it will turns into creamy peanut butter with natural oils, nothing else needed.

    I mean it aint the same as JIF but that's barely even peanut butter and just sugar and oil.

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 24, 2023


    I like the sugar but the real thing for me is the texture, that liquid ass PB kinda gross to me

    also fair

    in the summer i keep it in the fridge because i like to load up a ton of pb on my sandwiches or apple slices if I'm just scooping it out. when it's warmer its way more runny and it leaks out of the bread and off the apple slice but the temp change hardens it up a bit so i can get more bang for my buck

  • Mar 24, 2023
    Tyson Energy

    Liquid peanut butter ewww

    U never had peanut butter have oil rise to the top before?

  • Mar 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Former TSA officer checking in…

    Peanut Butter hasn’t been allowed in awhile. Don’t know why this has been in the news this past week lol. It’s not like some new rule they came up with.

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 24, 2023
    1 reply

    No ones made their own peanut butter before?

    Take peanuts, put em in a blender, and it will turns into creamy peanut butter with natural oils, nothing else needed.

    I mean it aint the same as JIF but that's barely even peanut butter and just sugar and oil.

    how edumist would have reacted if i wrote this

  • Mar 24, 2023
    1 reply

    No ones made their own peanut butter before?

    Take peanuts, put em in a blender, and it will turns into creamy peanut butter with natural oils, nothing else needed.

    I mean it aint the same as JIF but that's barely even peanut butter and just sugar and oil.

    Oh nice

    Does that also work with deez nuts

  • Mar 24, 2023

    its spreadable, always been banned

  • Mar 24, 2023

    If you bringing a jar of peanut butter on a plane you are probably a national security threat

  • RASIE 🦦
    Mar 24, 2023

    Why tf would i ever need to bring a jar of peanut butter on a plane anyway? Who cares

  • Mar 24, 2023

    No ones made their own peanut butter before?

    Take peanuts, put em in a blender, and it will turns into creamy peanut butter with natural oils, nothing else needed.

    I mean it aint the same as JIF but that's barely even peanut butter and just sugar and oil.

    Im supposed to do that on the god damn plane?

  • Mar 24, 2023
    2 replies

    What am I gonna f*** now