If you stir pure peanut butter it’s also quite sticky and solid
“All types of additives”
You can literally add like 5% neutral oil and the consistency will be what everybody’s used to
No its not
Blending peanuts alone turns its creamy
Peanuts have plenty of their own natural oil in them, additional is not necessary
No its not
Blending peanuts alone turns its creamy
Peanuts have plenty of their own natural oil in them, additional is not necessary
That blend will seperate and have chunks that are extremely sticky and oil on top of it. That’s the reason you add some in the first place, to keep the consistency.
That blend will seperate and have chunks that are extremely sticky and oil on top of it. That’s the reason you add some in the first place, to keep the consistency.
No it motherfucking won't. I know from experience. Stir it and its the same as it was when blended.
No it motherfucking won't. I know from experience. Stir it and its the same as it was when blended.
I bought pure peanut butter a couple of times and that s*** always seperates and has less than ideal consistency
its so f***ing over
what are we going to do
Damn, it's crazy bc when I was like 13 I asked TSA if I could bring a jelly donut on the plane and he said yes, but not a jar of jelly. Huh.
I'll just bring some Nutella instead, also tastes way better
Are Reeves peanut butter cups still allowed tho?
wow, can'tt make my mid-air PB&J no more, never flying again.
walking around the world in prottest, whos with me?
Isn't palm oil used to give it that creamy texture?
If u have cancer palm oil will speed up the process to kill you (metastasis)
Problem is there’s thousands of code names for palm oil and it’s in over half of everything in the supermarkets
wow, can'tt make my mid-air PB&J no more, never flying again.
walking around the world in prottest, whos with me?
I'm with you ✊️✊️✊️
I'm with you ✊️✊️✊️
You walk around the world for fun you broke b****
Why'd they use that random ass photo of them two dudes like they the ones that did the ban and are proud of that work LMAO
Big peanut butter lobbying once again
Y would peanut butter lobby against themeselves