  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Surviving Drake

  • Sep 7, 2021

    lmaooooo the billie 18 i've been waiting one tho...

  • Sep 7, 2021

  • Sep 7, 2021

    It's truly sad how much his narrative has spread. It really shows how idiotic and how much of a sheep people are. They just push narratives off of jokes, memes, and falsified information and when you actually care enough to debunk it they call you weird ironically.

  • Sep 7, 2021

    One of my favorite cases of a publication f***ing with a celeb and losing was when a publication lied that Ronaldo went out drinking and clubbing and lost his mind. It's a known thing that he doesn't drink so he sued the publication. They ended up paying him millions in damages, so much so that they had to close shop because they had no money left after the case was settled

    That's a wild story, the Daily Mirror's definitely still around tho, it's one of the biggest newspapers in the UK

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Anyone with a brain been known all this pedo s*** is dumb as f***. People taking something and making it out to be something different.

  • Thank Me Now

    The people saying it doesn't matter because he's such a massive artist, or because they think it's apparently just a few twitter stans...

    This s***'s not just a few niche accounts any more. It's false narratives that have spread like crazy over the past two years.

    Check any post about Drake from a large publication or page on social media and you're bound to find comments trying to joke about this s***.

    There are TikTok and YouTube videos going viral each day that continue to spread false information or made up stories.

    I've even seen people trying to push that his lyrics in Way 2 Sexy are "the section needs more TEENS in here, I like it crowded" instead of "the section needs more TINGS in here, I like it crowded"

    The fact is... Repetition leads to the illusion of truth. "When people hear the same false information repeated again and again, they often come to believe it is true."

  • crushedvelvet

    you legit have severe mental illness for posting this and I pray drake is paying you big time

    the people making up these sick fantasies to take a man down is not mental illness but op correcting them is?

  • Sep 7, 2021
    Hi Roller

    Surviving Drake

  • Sep 7, 2021

    i thought it was just a bit but the last couple years i've seen people actually parroting this crap in earnest. not even a fan of drake but it's super gross how far people took that s***.

  • Sep 7, 2021

    I don’t understand the “protection work” some of y’all do. If he is not accused in real life, why bother making him as innocent as possible? He is a grown ass man, don’t get pressed by some no-name twitter users who’s life is based on celebrity rumors and living in a fantasy world. It’s never been serious. Drake himself don’t even bother with that s*** and so shouldn’t you.

  • Sep 7, 2021

    what about this op

    he literally explains that video in his reply

    you guys don’t want to see any kind of counter arguments

    that’s why your opinions are anything anyone can take serious

  • Sep 7, 2021

    One of my favorite cases of a publication f***ing with a celeb and losing was when a publication lied that Ronaldo went out drinking and clubbing and lost his mind. It's a known thing that he doesn't drink so he sued the publication. They ended up paying him millions in damages, so much so that they had to close shop because they had no money left after the case was settled

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Damn Drake

    these guys just want you out of here man.

    Sorry bro

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Why are people making fun of somebody clearing this up lol. The s*** ain’t even funny as a joke to begin with ya’ll just wanna clown him off anything. Then it’s all jokes when somebody proves his innocence. Ya’ll really something else 💀

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Why are people making fun of somebody clearing this up lol. The s*** ain’t even funny as a joke to begin with ya’ll just wanna clown him off anything. Then it’s all jokes when somebody proves his innocence. Ya’ll really something else 💀

    They want the narratives to continue. Idiots.

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Now that it's proof that all the allegations against Drake are fake, you idiots don't want to hear it. If it was a thread about someone accusing him of rape, you'd all be in here with bated breath. F***ing weirdos.

  • Sep 7, 2021

    They want the narratives to continue. Idiots.

    Can’t win with these lames

  • Sep 7, 2021

    They tryna do him like they did MJ its so sad

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    f the people pushing this narrative. like this is the move? Why are humans so destructive to one another. Got real paedophiles out here but they wouldn't dare say their names but they would lose their jobs etc. Drake don't deserve this, the price of success huh.

  • Halloween Gang

    There are few worse accusations than being called a sexual predator/pedo man. And as mentioned above, it’s dangerous because while fans and even haters within the hip-hop community know the accusations are bullshit and perpetuated by haters, the posts go viral and then casual fans eat it up. I see people who are definitely not drake and probably not rap fans calling drake a groomer and s*** all the time.

    So how has it actually mattered in real life?

  • Sep 7, 2021

    drizzy keeps winning this week

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    f the people pushing this narrative. like this is the move? Why are humans so destructive to one another. Got real paedophiles out here but they wouldn't dare say their names but they would lose their jobs etc. Drake don't deserve this, the price of success huh.

    This narrative only feels like 'a thing' if you're on social media all the time

    This is not that deep lol

  • Purrp 🌚
    Sep 7, 2021

    People are so sick drake’s at the top they’re scratching at anything to tear him down that s*** is disgusting. Then they wanna call you weird for defending drake as innocent until proven guilty. Acting like his situation (which is purely purely social media rumors at the moment) is anywhere near the same as R. Kelly’s who married a 16 y/o Aaliyah is insanity
