  • Apr 9, 2021

    I'm not a big talker but if I'm out and about I will smile to people

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Idk I keep meeting more and more genuinely kind individuals been tripping me out lately tbh

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Idk I keep meeting more and more genuinely kind individuals been tripping me out lately tbh

    Must be location. People where I live are not nice.

    Idk I kind of wrote this thread in a doomer mode.

  • Apr 9, 2021

    Ego. Out of control.

    Ngl, I'm simply waiting for the fall bruh. Idk, I'm pretty sure we're heading towards some catastrophic event somewhere in the near future lol.

    Life will persevere though, a lot of humans might not though.

  • Apr 9, 2021

    Because people want to be elitists even when they have nothing to show for it

  • Apr 9, 2021

    Raised on social media

    Negativity gets you more attention quickly

  • Apr 9, 2021

    yeah that’s why this past week or so i’ve stopped posting as much

    so much negativity, especially if you hold a difference of opinion. there’s some users on here who can debate respectfully, but some others just throw out insults as a first resort lol

    to be fair this is basically the internet as a whole, so it’s not exclusive to here. and i enjoy this site 1000000% more than i do places like twitter, but sometimes i just need a break i think


    because we’ve pushed a culture where everything should be cancelled

    You’re so far off lol cancel culture isn’t the issue. You obviously wasn’t around during those early twitter days.

  • soapmanwun

    I think it might be because our culture is so focused on getting ahead of each other instead of empathy

    Don't wanna sound like a boomer but I do think the internet adds to the problem a bit

    People constantly say s*** online that would not slide in person because of anonymity. People like to say everyone's just too sensitive nowadays but like come on dawg, I don't think it's normal for humans to be so vitriolic to each other like we our on the net


  • Apr 9, 2021

    I’m pretty nice

  • Apr 9, 2021

    sounds like you living in a mean ass town lmao

  • There was a whole period of time where you got beat for using the wrong water fountain so idk about this one chief.

  • mishima 😈
    Apr 9, 2021

    Nice ni🅱️🅱️as still out here. I’m one of them.

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Seriously..get off the internet...go outside...get a job. Occupy yourself...the world isn't as miserable as social media presents

    @op be one of the most angriest niggas on this site saying this title and I say that with love lol.

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    @op be one of the most angriest niggas on this site saying this title and I say that with love lol.

    Lol much love bro

    It's all good

    Was just having a rough day yesterday feeling hopeless

    I'm feeling better now though, hope nobody got upset over what I said though.

  • Apr 9, 2021

    Lol much love bro

    It's all good

    Was just having a rough day yesterday feeling hopeless

    I'm feeling better now though, hope nobody got upset over what I said though.

  • Apr 9, 2021

    a year and a half of staying inside doesn't do well for your mental health.

    niggas'll be aight once we can go outside and catch hella whines again.

  • Apr 9, 2021
    2 replies

    No I'm not

    I'm depressed and have problems. I'm unhappy. This thread was just a way of venting and it still holds truth.

    Statistics don't lie:

    Suicides higher than ever

    D**** are a huge epidemic and I've known acquintances and friends dying from them

    Mental health in America is a joke, we don't get the right support

    Everyone is mad and unhappy.

    Gen Z and Millennials are the lonliest generations ever

    I think I have reasons to be mad and depressed.

    That last statement is so true, I really feel for these youngsters nowadays and with the pandemic moving things to online, well s*** things aren't looking so good

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    That last statement is so true, I really feel for these youngsters nowadays and with the pandemic moving things to online, well s*** things aren't looking so good

    Real s*** bro

    S*** moved alot more online than it was, think that's what I was noticing/talking about

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    OP's Jokerification is progressing...

    But if it means anything, i stitched a tik tok yesterday that ended up in a nice convo

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    That last statement is so true, I really feel for these youngsters nowadays and with the pandemic moving things to online, well s*** things aren't looking so good

    yall say this like this s***'s gonna be forever though.

    And while what we had before will never be the same (and it should never be the same, I think masks should not be mandated but way more common in our unhealthy American air), we'll get back to what we used to have yall.

  • Apr 9, 2021

    yall say this like this s***'s gonna be forever though.

    And while what we had before will never be the same (and it should never be the same, I think masks should not be mandated but way more common in our unhealthy American air), we'll get back to what we used to have yall.

    Im sure things will go somewhat back to where it was before, but like after 911, we're going back to a new "normal"

  • Apr 9, 2021

    Real s*** bro

    S*** moved alot more online than it was, think that's what I was noticing/talking about

    I hate it, us humans are meant for in-person socialization and interaction for the most part. Online is supposed to only supplement this, not replace it smh

  • Apr 9, 2021

    I feel like that’s more of an issue on social
    media, people are much more chill in real life.

    Attitudes tend to change when you have a person in the flesh to interact with, things tend to feel more abstract over the Internet.

    Like, if someone says something problematic or tone deaf in real life you’re probably not gonna start calling them a f***ing dumbass piece of s*** verbatim straight to their face on the onset

    I will on here though, because on here I’m just ones and zeroes. You can’t touch.

    Outside of hurting my feelings.
