  • Oct 8, 2023
    1 reply

    The album is crazyyyyy though. You’ll come around to it one day

  • Oct 9, 2023

    It's crazy how except for PND, Drake has maybe 5 songs with the other label members in his entire career. They could've easily made this album better.

    We need a Collab album with Smiley 😂😂

  • Oct 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Disagree on monotone melodies

    I feel like drake’s singing was monotone for projects like Views and Scorpion, he was singing in a low range a lot

    On this he started being in his higher range and really singing more. These melodies are way better than they have been.

    The issue isn't the range that he's sing in IMO.. I'm more so critiquing his vocal lines specifically.. on a lot of these tracks he's meandering aimlessly on the scale and even if they're interesting movements he's tranversing through his tessitura in really small intervals, so it literally sounds like droning.. Views and Scorpion are WORLD's apart and Views belongs no were near Scorpion or This.

  • Oct 9, 2023
    1 reply

    The issue isn't the range that he's sing in IMO.. I'm more so critiquing his vocal lines specifically.. on a lot of these tracks he's meandering aimlessly on the scale and even if they're interesting movements he's tranversing through his tessitura in really small intervals, so it literally sounds like droning.. Views and Scorpion are WORLD's apart and Views belongs no were near Scorpion or This.

    Scorpion was way more drone like for me. I cant even listen to those r&b songs outside of After Dark. I hate how boring his singing was in that period

    Tried our best is a better written song than any of the scorpion r&b songs

  • Oct 9, 2023

    The album is crazyyyyy though. You’ll come around to it one day

    Crazy is a good word. The album is crazy, wild, INSANO. It’s drake’s TLOP

  • Oct 9, 2023

    His albums are getting less and less memorable, haven't been impressed since HNVM, and IYRTITL before that

    He spends way more time trying to make everyone happy than making the album he wants to make or feels he should make

  • Oct 9, 2023

    lil yachty so quirky bro

  • Oct 9, 2023

    there is a lot of truth to this, people just don't realize it

  • Oct 9, 2023

    Its not all about missing 40s production.

    for example

    Bro was crazy af when he dropped this. Those flows are top tier.

  • Oct 9, 2023

    I miss the old Drake

    no, u miss the old production

  • Oct 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Scorpion was way more drone like for me. I cant even listen to those r&b songs outside of After Dark. I hate how boring his singing was in that period

    Tried our best is a better written song than any of the scorpion r&b songs

    bro watched the fantano clip💀💀💀

  • Oct 9, 2023

    bro watched the fantano clip💀💀💀

    I actually haven’t lol

  • Oct 9, 2023

    I’m sure 40 oversees everything Drake puts out but we all know Drake has a busy great life.

    He’s gambling in some of the best resorts on Earth
    Getting matching nails with Lil Yachty
    DMing some of our favorite IG models to use them for song material.

    If you check the credits, he’s been way less involved compared to Drake’s 09-2016 run.

    FATD literally only has 6 40 production credits out of 23 songs smh

    Drake letting bums like Lil Yachty influence him. Atleast Kanye picks actual good artists to bite.
    BNYX ain’t no Boi-1da. F*** OZ

    The further 40 gets from his music, the worse it’s gotten on average

    You get it.

  • Oct 9, 2023
    El Nigga

    Change it to 808's/Weeknd influence and you got yourself a hit thread

  • Oct 9, 2023
    tomorrow volverse

    40 has severe MS and it’s a progressive illness. He has literally lost years of his life due to spending the early 2010s locked into late night studio sessions, mixing, touring with Drake, and most importantly, not having consistent medical treatment

    he talks about it in certain interviews

    40 just isn’t in the same position to be as involved in Drake’s albums anymore

    and I don’t even think you’re wrong, I truly believe that 40’s influence on Drake is a major reason why Drake could make albums like So Far Gone, Take Care, and Nothing Was The Same

    he is at least 30-45% of why Early Drake was such a special artist to listen to

    but this doesn’t mean that FATD is a bad album
    it’s just not the Same

    I understand that from the Perspective of a Thank Me Later fan, most of the concepts, lyrics, and production styles we got on For All The Dogs seem like a completely different guy

  • Oct 9, 2023

    I don't miss old nothing

    Keep bringing the new, s***s fire

  • Oct 9, 2023

    I mean I hear y’all. I really do, but y’all gotta be realistic. This nigga has put out so much music since 09 and been dominate since that time. What are you all really expecting? The subject matter and lyrics aren’t always going to be there due to his lifestyle and the frequency that he records music. Even if you think he IS falling off…THE NIGGA HAS HAD THE LONGEST RUN IN RAP HISTORY. Lol it wouldn’t be a crime

    Btw, I f*** with the album

  • May 21, 2024
    4 replies

    2.44 onwards in this song is the essence of Drake to me. That and the song Club Paradise.

    I don’t think we’ve gotten enough Drake and 40 over recent years, obviously there are reasons for that but it would be cool to hear them fully lock in together for one more project before he finishes his career. They genuinely make magic together.

  • May 21, 2024
    1 reply

    2.44 onwards in this song is the essence of Drake to me. That and the song Club Paradise.

    I don’t think we’ve gotten enough Drake and 40 over recent years, obviously there are reasons for that but it would be cool to hear them fully lock in together for one more project before he finishes his career. They genuinely make magic together.

    Vid not available bro

  • May 21, 2024
    1 reply

    Vid not available bro

    Fancy outro

  • May 21, 2024

    Fancy outro

    Too good

  • May 21, 2024

    2.44 onwards in this song is the essence of Drake to me. That and the song Club Paradise.

    I don’t think we’ve gotten enough Drake and 40 over recent years, obviously there are reasons for that but it would be cool to hear them fully lock in together for one more project before he finishes his career. They genuinely make magic together.

    This song so nostalgic man

  • May 21, 2024

    2.44 onwards in this song is the essence of Drake to me. That and the song Club Paradise.

    I don’t think we’ve gotten enough Drake and 40 over recent years, obviously there are reasons for that but it would be cool to hear them fully lock in together for one more project before he finishes his career. They genuinely make magic together.

    40 is a genius

  • May 21, 2024
    1 reply

    2.44 onwards in this song is the essence of Drake to me. That and the song Club Paradise.

    I don’t think we’ve gotten enough Drake and 40 over recent years, obviously there are reasons for that but it would be cool to hear them fully lock in together for one more project before he finishes his career. They genuinely make magic together.

    You will never get this again like this unfortunately and it has way more to do with Drake's insecurities than 40

    He has mentioned in the past, how people have labeled him as 'soft and emo' and how they did this because of the soundscapes and beats he uses to use. Idk if others have picked up on it, but he spoke about this in a 2013 interview prior to NWTS, that it really pisses him off that ppl think he's this emotional sad guy.

    It can be argued that that's why he's who he is today from an image and iconography standpoint, consciously working to NOT be Tumblr quote era drake.

    It's no coincidence that since SFG, every album has had less and less of 40, as he tirelessly worked to shed the soft / emo / good guy image.

  • May 21, 2024
    2 replies

    But I agree w/u

    It's what made him special, and Drake over 40 production was / is his defining trait as an artist.

    Marvin's Room
    Dreams Money Can Buy
    Fancy Outro
    The Resistance
    Lust for Life
    I Get Lonely Too
    Over My Dead Body
    Hate Sleeping Alone

    I could go on, but this is peak drake to me.