Joe Rogen is a f***ing idiot no way am I clickin that
And btw if people are calling something racist maybe you should stop for a reason and consider why. (It’s not like people aren’t going out of their way to be racist towards the Chinese over this pandemic, noooooo)
instead of hating on chinese CULTURE you could've chosen any of the following and it wouldnt have been xenophobic and racist, but u didnt
just a few examples !
Yeah there it is.
“You’re being racist! It’s not chinese culture to eat wild animals!!!”
Take five minutes to use Google and learn that it is. No matter how much it offends you, it is a fact that it is a part of chinese culture to eat strange animals such as bats, dogs, and snakes.
I’m obviously not saying that all chinese people do that but yes it’s extremely common in China and hundreds of millions of people there partake in it every day. So get the f*** out of there with that s***.
Joe Rogen is a f***ing idiot no way am I clickin that
And btw if people are calling something racist maybe you should stop for a reason and consider why. (It’s not like people aren’t going out of their way to be racist towards the Chinese over this pandemic, noooooo)
That’s totally unrelated. This is about China’s negligence and refusal to discourage people from eating wild animals. Any other strawmen?
You really believe the statistics given by China, an authoritarian one-party government that is infamous for false information and hatred of free speech? Seriously?
You realize that today in Hong Kong a pro-democracy newspaper company’s building was raided by the Chinese government right?
Sure buddy China hid millions of bodies and nobody noticed COPE
Yeah there it is.
“You’re being racist! It’s not chinese culture to eat wild animals!!!”
Take five minutes to use Google and learn that it is. No matter how much it offends you, it is a fact that it is a part of chinese culture to eat strange animals such as bats, dogs, and snakes.
I’m obviously not saying that all chinese people do that but yes it’s extremely common in China and hundreds of millions of people there partake in it every day. So get the f*** out of there with that s***.
u dumb motherfucker when did i say its not their culture to eat different animals than other cultures
learn to read
i said that eating different animals shouldnt be a problem in the 21st century, rules and regulations can help that like it does all over the world
dont hate on the culture, the way u phrase things shows off ur xenophobia
Sure buddy China hid millions of bodies and nobody noticed COPE
They literally killed thousands of unarmed college students and then acted like it didn’t happen to this day you f***ing idiot
I don’t want to insult people over the f***ing internet but I refuse to let anyone say this bullshit
u dumb motherfucker when did i say its not their culture to eat different animals than other cultures
learn to read
i said that eating different animals shouldnt be a problem in the 21st century, rules and regulations can help that like it does all over the world
dont hate on the culture, the way u phrase things shows off ur xenophobia
Dude Covid literally came from eating bats and AIDS came from eating monkeys
There’s no room for “rules and regulations” if we keep letting s*** like this happen because we’re too scared to call it out for how dangerous it is this will continue to happen
Dude Covid literally came from eating bats and AIDS came from eating monkeys
There’s no room for “rules and regulations” if we keep letting s*** like this happen because we’re too scared to call it out for how dangerous it is this will continue to happen
yes and is china the only country that eats bats?
the answer is NO, they get eaten all over the world, including in the country in your bio lol
the problem is once again a combination of the lack of regulation around eating these types of animals and the huge population in china
yes and is china the only country that eats bats?
the answer is NO, they get eaten all over the world, including in the country in your bio lol
the problem is once again a combination of the lack of regulation around eating these types of animals and the huge population in china
Yes I’m already aware that people in Nigeria eat wild animals it’s called bush meat and it’s only eaten by poor people in villages. Out of the population of 200 million it’s extremely uncommon to see and it’s looked down upon.
In China it’s extremely common and encouraged. I don’t know why you’re caping so hard for an authoritarian government that has killed millions of people.
Know what I’m just gonna stop replying if I keep speaking out against China I guarantee I’m gonna get banned
Yes I’m already aware that people in Nigeria eat wild animals it’s called bush meat and it’s only eaten by poor people in villages. Out of the population of 200 million it’s extremely uncommon to see and it’s looked down upon.
In China it’s extremely common and encouraged. I don’t know why you’re caping so hard for an authoritarian government that has killed millions of people.
im trying to make it obvious to u im not "caping" for the government but im defending the culture learn to read bro
They literally killed thousands of unarmed college students and then acted like it didn’t happen to this day you f***ing idiot
I don’t want to insult people over the f***ing internet but I refuse to let anyone say this bullshit
Gee I wonder what changed in modern telecommunication technology since 1989 and 2021...
And yes Covid came from China and it’s culture of eating strange animals and the fact that it became a pandemic is 100% China’s fault. If anyone denies that they’re a f***ing idiot.
¨wild animals¨ all animals are wild idiot.
Yeah there it is.
“You’re being racist! It’s not chinese culture to eat wild animals!!!”
Take five minutes to use Google and learn that it is. No matter how much it offends you, it is a fact that it is a part of chinese culture to eat strange animals such as bats, dogs, and snakes.
I’m obviously not saying that all chinese people do that but yes it’s extremely common in China and hundreds of millions of people there partake in it every day. So get the f*** out of there with that s***.
Y’all sure do love policing what other cultures eat
im trying to make it obvious to u im not "caping" for the government but im defending the culture learn to read bro
Nvm f*** it Imma keep replying
I’m saying you shouldn’t defend a culture that caused a global pandemic and also caused AIDS which has killed millions of people
Y’all sure do love policing what other cultures eat
I’m just a guy on the internet I don’t police s***
Gee I wonder what changed in modern telecommunication technology since 1989 and 2021...
Jesus christ man I’m losing brain cells
U got me bro
but to give you a more serious answer in the case of a lot of Asian nations eating meat that is considered taboo is because of extreme poverty during colonial rule. So in turn people had to eat crazy s*** to survive.
Jesus christ man I’m losing brain cells
tht was mean so i edited it
but to give you a more serious answer in the case of a lot of Asian nations eating meat that is considered taboo is because of extreme poverty during colonial rule. So in turn people had to eat crazy s*** to survive.
Yeah ik the deal it’s exactly the same in Nigeria. But my problem is that Nigeria had 200 Million people and China has like 1.3 Billion and they refuse to say anything about it. They always just sweep it under the rug and act like nothing happened when they could easily just issue a statement saying that it’s unhealthy and dangerous.
tht was mean so i edited it
What u mean bro I wasn’t arguing with you I was arguing with the other nigga
What u mean bro I wasn’t arguing with you I was arguing with the other nigga
I know it's okay