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  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    yes and is china the only country that eats bats?

    the answer is NO, they get eaten all over the world, including in the country in your bio lol

    the problem is once again a combination of the lack of regulation around eating these types of animals and the huge population in china

    Wet markets

  • Jun 17, 2021
    2 replies

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah ik the deal it’s exactly the same in Nigeria. But my problem is that Nigeria had 200 Million people and China has like 1.3 Billion and they refuse to say anything about it. They always just sweep it under the rug and act like nothing happened when they could easily just issue a statement saying that it’s unhealthy and dangerous.

    is it likely that covid19 came from bats? yes.
    however despite your claims bat meat isn't really part of Chinese cuisine (i know that some isolated communities in the south do but that is rare) also one of the videos that circulated when this all happened was from 2016 of a vlogger named Wang Mengyun while on vacation in Palau (Pacific Island) so the idea of it being some sort of delicacy is idiotic.

    Secondly how covid was transmitted to humans is still unknown so please stop spreading stupid ass facebook mom conspiracy theories

  • Jun 17, 2021

    selling tinfoil hats, $10 each

    Got the bill gates 5G vaccine protecting me from this foolishness.

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Wet markets

    shut the f*** up bro

  • che_guevara

    Mfs eating Komodo dragons lmbaooo

  • China!

  • Jun 17, 2021

    shut the f*** up bro

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    yes and is china the only country that eats bats?

    the answer is NO, they get eaten all over the world, including in the country in your bio lol

    the problem is once again a combination of the lack of regulation around eating these types of animals and the huge population in china

    Tons of countries eat weird s***, yet for some reason, China is the only country that started a mass virus from eating weird s***

  • Jun 17, 2021
    2 replies

    Tons of countries eat weird s***, yet for some reason, China is the only country that started a mass virus from eating weird s***

    yes and for the 5th time thats because alot of people live in china and there arent many regulations

    which means the issue is in the government and not the culture as some people are saying

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    yes and for the 5th time thats because alot of people live in china and there arent many regulations

    which means the issue is in the government and not the culture as some people are saying

    No actually the culture played its part too wether you like it or not eating bats n other weird s*** never ends well

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    yes and for the 5th time thats because alot of people live in china and there arent many regulations

    which means the issue is in the government and not the culture as some people are saying

    Or maybe COVID-19 was an instance of biological warfare perpetuated by the CCP

  • Jun 17, 2021

    If the culture is eating raw dirty meat thats the problem ?

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    No actually the culture played its part too wether you like it or not eating bats n other weird s*** never ends well

    and if u had the ability to read you would know by now that many cultures do that lol

    its just that china is a huge country with many people and not enough regulations which makes it an issue

  • Jun 17, 2021

    Yeah we all know by now its from a lab not a bat

  • Jun 17, 2021

    Or maybe COVID-19 was an instance of biological warfare perpetuated by the CCP

    you make this claim yet provide no sort of proof or even a source. no investigation no right to speak

  • Jun 17, 2021
    rich scouser

    Yea I'm not in a rush to believe American propaganda but u do u OP

    If true, America looks just as bad funding this research and attempting to cover it up

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    instead of hating on chinese CULTURE you could've chosen any of the following and it wouldnt have been xenophobic and racist, but u didnt

    • chinese government needs to regulate it better, you dont need to change a culture, but they can help make it all work better
    • other countries couldve responded way, way better like Vietnam or NZ did
    • the world couldve worked together on the vaccine instead of seeing it as another space race type thing

    just a few examples !

    What he said wasn't xenophobic. You're doing exactly what the title is alluding to

  • austin_butler_fan4

    and if u had the ability to read you would know by now that many cultures do that lol

    its just that china is a huge country with many people and not enough regulations which makes it an issue

    Look at this cope

  • Jun 17, 2021

    If the bottom line of the video is that no, you should not be racist towards China because of COVID then yes, I agree.
    Chinese people have had a culture of eating uncommon animals in unconventional ways for probably hundreds of years (assuming) without causing any international diseases. It’s unlikely for one of this caliber to have started out of thin air despite increasing sanitary practices, without some outside interference.
    Second, every Chinese person in the country did not start Covid so that just seems like a lousy way to justify pre existing racist feelings.

  • Jun 17, 2021
    Sincerely him

    I think the better approach would be for everyone to shut up, stop digging in on one side vs the other and wait for ALL the facts to be clearly presented in unbiased manner.

    Truth be told, we're still years out from knowing the full s*** and ramifications of covid19

    Who's going to present the facts to you in an unbiased manner?

  • Jun 17, 2021

    And yes Covid came from China and it’s culture of eating strange animals and the fact that it became a pandemic is 100% China’s fault. If anyone denies that they’re a f***ing idiot.

    Being mad doesn’t make you right

  • Jun 17, 2021

    That bat rumor is definitely made up. No one even knows where that rumor started from, people just accepted it as common knowledge. There is a biochemical research lap, right there in Wuhan, c'mon dawg

  • Jun 17, 2021

    What he said wasn't xenophobic. You're doing exactly what the title is alluding to

    the way he said it was obviously xenophobic lol

    like i said its okay to talk s*** about the chinese government and the way they handled the virus but to talk s*** about the other culture is when it gets xenophobic

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah there it is.

    “You’re being racist! It’s not chinese culture to eat wild animals!!!”

    Take five minutes to use Google and learn that it is. No matter how much it offends you, it is a fact that it is a part of chinese culture to eat strange animals such as bats, dogs, and snakes.

    I’m obviously not saying that all chinese people do that but yes it’s extremely common in China and hundreds of millions of people there partake in it every day. So get the f*** out of there with that s***.

    Lmfao you’ll really just say whatever huh

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