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  • Jun 17, 2021
    2 replies

    And yes Covid came from China and it’s culture of eating strange animals and the fact that it became a pandemic is 100% China’s fault. If anyone denies that they’re a f***ing idiot.

    i think you’re a f***ing idiot

  • Jun 17, 2021

    i think you’re a f***ing idiot

    Yeah it has nothing to do with that lol
    But almost certainly leaked by accident

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    It isnt chinas fault many countries didnt do proper lockdowns at first Chinese have been living normally since summer last year while most of the West opened up just recently due to vaccinations

    This is literally blaming the victims

    Nobody could’ve foreseen how bad covid was gonna get but China

  • Jun 17, 2021

    I’m the first to s*** on Joe Rogan but thankfully he keeps his mouth shut in the video

  • Jun 17, 2021

    Someone said let's consider all the possibilities and the weirdos already decided that was enough validation to go "ITS ALMOST PROVEN IT CAME FROM A LAB"

    This is why Fauci told Americans not to wear masks when the pandemic started.

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Nobody KNOWS any of this s*** for sure, so please stop acting like u do and shut the fucc up

  • Jun 17, 2021
    2 replies

    Nobody KNOWS any of this s*** for sure, so please stop acting like u do and shut the fucc up

    I mean all u gotta do is read the nymag article man. Learn something instead of just tossing your hands up and saying “idk, how could we know” 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • Jun 17, 2021

    Its crazy how the prevailing scientific consensus is still a natural origin but someone says "we must consider all possibilities and launch an investigation on what really happened" and now people just go wild with the "OK SO NOW THAT ITS CONFIRMED TO BE A LAB LEAK"

    They haven't even launched the investigation

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean all u gotta do is read the nymag article man. Learn something instead of just tossing your hands up and saying “idk, how could we know” 🤷🏼‍♂️

    u might trust and believe those articles, but u dont KNOW. not everybody is gonna trust the articles and a lot of people might not even come to the same conclusion as u

    this is a waste of time

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean all u gotta do is read the nymag article man. Learn something instead of just tossing your hands up and saying “idk, how could we know” 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Believing a NYMag article as a source for your epidemiological information?

    These are the type of people who post on KTT

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    This is literally blaming the victims

    Nobody could’ve foreseen how bad covid was gonna get but China

    Several countries did though, things are basically back to normal in Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand. China seem to also have mostly got things under control. It's not victim blaming when governments chose to take the piss when it was the best time to prevent the pandemic from escalating

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Believing a NYMag article as a source for your epidemiological information?

    These are the type of people who post on KTT

    Also leaked in Fauci’s emails that he was contacted by a colleague early in the pandemic saying it probably isn’t natural. he then had a call with him and all the notes of the call were redacted

    the members of that call then authored a paper denying the lab leak theory

    what was said on that call

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    The mainstream media only talked about the leaked Fauci emails in which he talks about being weirded out his newfound fame and the ppl loving him.

    Nothing about any foreknowledge or coverup - the media is clearly covering their asses

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    u might trust and believe those articles, but u dont KNOW. not everybody is gonna trust the articles and a lot of people might not even come to the same conclusion as u

    this is a waste of time

    I mean it’s true regardless of whether people believe it

  • Jun 17, 2021

    so tell me how you "covid came from a lab is close to a fact right now" is it bc fauci (who works for the government) said it might be a possibility ? so the government saying it might be true = its close to a fact = people dont trust the government ?

    what the hell are u even saying buddy

    The closest known bat colony is thousands of miles way from ground zero for COVID. Ground zero for COVID is in the same neighborhood as a laboratory that was focused on bat corona viruses, and specifically synthesizing these viruses so they could infect humans. This lab had numerous employees go to the hospital in November and December of 2019, days to weeks prior to the virus being officially identified. We still have not been able to find the intermediate animal that would have caused the spread from bat to human like we normally find in cases of a natural virus.

    And lastly, people affiliated with the lab continue to get caught in lies that suggest a cover up (claims they had no live bats in the lab, claims they don’t do gain of function research, claims America didn’t fund this research, etc etc).

  • Jun 17, 2021

    covid came from a lab thats close to fact right now

    This is your brain on Joe Rogan

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean it’s true regardless of whether people believe it

    none of us know if its true, u just believe it

    and the emails ur posting dont prove anything other than Fauci and our government are looking into whether or not the lab theory is valid

  • Jun 17, 2021

    It’s basically all in here. really long article btw

    also @​gumby4christ on Twitter keeps covering new and old info on his page

    The big story is that the work being done in that Wuhan lab was funded and directed by America’s NIH and DoD who had them continue Ralph Baric’s (U of North Carolina) research into bat coronavirus gain-of-function experiments.

    Baric has been doing these insane gain-of-function experiments for decades that purposely make diseases more dangerous to humans in order to study their pandemic potential. He specifically studied bat coronaviruses and the US was directing and funding that specific further research at the Wuhan lab.

    Fauci worked at the NIH and personally advocated and chose to fund such experiments for years. Saying it was “worth the risk” of it leaking.

    Best guess is that it was an accidental leak. But all other things I’ve seen place the blame squarely on China deliberately creating an outbreak and never mention the US involvement.

    Fauci’s emails just leaked and early in the pandemic he sent this^ really weird email with Baric’s published paper on bat coronavirus GoF to one of his people

    It’s important because the people directly involved with creating this virus are being appointed by the WHO on the team to investigate its origins

    The US outsources these unethical experiments to foreign labs all the time. There’s another in Ukraine.

    And the scary thing is that they’re obliged to upload the dna sequence of viruses to a database so any lab with the proper equipment can essentially “print” a virus. (now remember the evidence of it in Italy/Spain/Denmark before public identification in Wuhan)

    A deliberate release by China would make no sense anyway. If they wanted to “attack” a place they wouldn’t have done it right outside the lab it was made in

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Also leaked in Fauci’s emails that he was contacted by a colleague early in the pandemic saying it probably isn’t natural. he then had a call with him and all the notes of the call were redacted

    the members of that call then authored a paper denying the lab leak theory

    what was said on that call

    Are you ill?

    So you, the guy who is ranting about a cult of Fauci in several threads, wants me to believe a conspiracy about Fauci's colleagues hiding the lab leak theory in redacted emails that I clearly can't tell the contents of, and that they then changed their opinion as a result of redacted convos with Fauci??

    All whilst the first post is just them trying to determine whether the Virus genome was manufactured or not. You're just going to 2nd guess them after they publish a study in a scientific journal and go "Well their assumption in January must be right".

    Yeah bro, I can clearly see why you think the layman is a part of some liberal Fauci cult as opposed to the fact that normal people tend to believe people who are authority figures in instinitutions such as the NIH.

  • Jun 17, 2021
    2 replies

    none of us know if its true, u just believe it

    and the emails ur posting dont prove anything other than Fauci and our government are looking into whether or not the lab theory is valid

    the emails show evidence of coverup

  • Jun 17, 2021
    2 replies

    Like damn, why cant you guys just be normal and shut up until an investigation is done

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    the emails show evidence of coverup

    the emails show evidence of investigation and taking anything else from it is pure assumption

  • Goofy thread

    Watch Killer Bean Forever

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply
    Villainous B

    Several countries did though, things are basically back to normal in Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand. China seem to also have mostly got things under control. It's not victim blaming when governments chose to take the piss when it was the best time to prevent the pandemic from escalating

    Those are all extremely small countries that barely had issues to begin with. New Zealand and Australia have always been very restrictive with travel compared to other countries like the European ones or America that see a ton of travel from and to.

    It’s completely different situations. For a country like America that everyone is constantly flying to and back, things were going to be f***ed regardless.

  • Jun 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Are you ill?

    So you, the guy who is ranting about a cult of Fauci in several threads, wants me to believe a conspiracy about Fauci's colleagues hiding the lab leak theory in redacted emails that I clearly can't tell the contents of, and that they then changed their opinion as a result of redacted convos with Fauci??

    All whilst the first post is just them trying to determine whether the Virus genome was manufactured or not. You're just going to 2nd guess them after they publish a study in a scientific journal and go "Well their assumption in January must be right".

    Yeah bro, I can clearly see why you think the layman is a part of some liberal Fauci cult as opposed to the fact that normal people tend to believe people who are authority figures in instinitutions such as the NIH.

    Not a little odd that Fauci, the NIH guy funding the Wuhan experiments, was contacted saying “hey doc this isn’t consistent with evolution” then Fauci hopping on a call with him and the contents of that call are fully redacted…? then a month later they’re all thanking each other for the paper published saying that “no, it actually is now”? why can’t we see those call notes? what was said?

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