Sure call Jon Stewart crazy or I am crazy even there is probability of being that true. Yes, Oceania is always at war with Eastasia.
Tons of nations eat s*** like bat soup or whatever and have for centuries so why did it come from Wuhan at the specific time that it did
Yeah there it is.
“You’re being racist! It’s not chinese culture to eat wild animals!!!”
Take five minutes to use Google and learn that it is. No matter how much it offends you, it is a fact that it is a part of chinese culture to eat strange animals such as bats, dogs, and snakes.
I’m obviously not saying that all chinese people do that but yes it’s extremely common in China and hundreds of millions of people there partake in it every day. So get the f*** out of there with that s***.
People eat all sorts of things calling if strange because to doesn't fit into own cultural framework is kinda racist.
On god. I hate when black people say something feel racist to them and mfs be on some “why you gotta bring race up” or “I don’t see race” like suck my d*** you b****. Don’t try to minimize my feelings because you’re a f***ing tool.
Idc about that video, didn’t even watch, just wanted to get this off.
Unlike the sheeple, OP gets his information only from the most truest of sources…the Joe Rogan Podcast!!
The theory isn’t just on there
Facebook was deleting posts talking about the leak, now they aren’t
It’s gaining mass traction and it’s likely it’s true
What Saagar conveniently didn’t mention:
that the work in Wuhan was a collaboration with UNC prof Ralph Baric and a continuation of his work. Props to him for mentioning Daszak tho
but also, there’s no real proof yet that it originated in Wuhan. There’s evidence of it in Italy in Sept 2019 and in Spanish people’s poop in the Madrid sewers as early as March 2019. The virus was only first “identified” in Wuhan
you've been saying it with no proof...
It's a plague sent by God. Doesn't matter where it showed up here on earth there's a much larger mission so prepare your hearts for the worse. Repent daily, stay under God's covering. We got a couple of years b4 it's all over.
The origin of cv doesn't change the fact that we all have to live with the outcome. Almost irrelevant imo. It's a potential seed to start a war rather return back to God.
Look around the world n prepare for adjusting your way of living. store up on basic needs, water, pantry, energy.. plywood to protect accessible window entries.
What Saagar conveniently didn’t mention:
that the work in Wuhan was a collaboration with UNC prof Ralph Baric and a continuation of his work. Props to him for mentioning Daszak tho
but also, there’s no real proof yet that it originated in Wuhan. There’s evidence of it in Italy in Sept 2019 and in Spanish people’s poop in the Madrid sewers as early as March 2019. The virus was only first “identified” in Wuhan
You got further reading material for this, could be an interesting read
You got further reading material for this, could be an interesting read
It’s basically all in here. really long article btw
also @gumby4christ on Twitter keeps covering new and old info on his page
The big story is that the work being done in that Wuhan lab was funded and directed by America’s NIH and DoD who had them continue Ralph Baric’s (U of North Carolina) research into bat coronavirus gain-of-function experiments.
Baric has been doing these insane gain-of-function experiments for decades that purposely make diseases more dangerous to humans in order to study their pandemic potential. He specifically studied bat coronaviruses and the US was directing and funding that specific further research at the Wuhan lab.
Fauci worked at the NIH and personally advocated and chose to fund such experiments for years. Saying it was “worth the risk” of it leaking.
Best guess is that it was an accidental leak. But all other things I’ve seen place the blame squarely on China deliberately creating an outbreak and never mention the US involvement.
Fauci’s emails just leaked and early in the pandemic he sent this^ really weird email with Baric’s published paper on bat coronavirus GoF to one of his people
It’s important because the people directly involved with creating this virus are being appointed by the WHO on the team to investigate its origins
The US outsources these unethical experiments to foreign labs all the time. There’s another in Ukraine.
And the scary thing is that they’re obliged to upload the dna sequence of viruses to a database so any lab with the proper equipment can essentially “print” a virus. (now remember the evidence of it in Italy/Spain/Denmark before public identification in Wuhan)
A deliberate release by China would make no sense anyway. If they wanted to “attack” a place they wouldn’t have done it right outside the lab it was made in
It’s basically all in here. really long article btw
also @gumby4christ on Twitter keeps covering new and old info on his page
The big story is that the work being done in that Wuhan lab was funded and directed by America’s NIH and DoD who had them continue Ralph Baric’s (U of North Carolina) research into bat coronavirus gain-of-function experiments.
Baric has been doing these insane gain-of-function experiments for decades that purposely make diseases more dangerous to humans in order to study their pandemic potential. He specifically studied bat coronaviruses and the US was directing and funding that specific further research at the Wuhan lab.
Fauci worked at the NIH and personally advocated and chose to fund such experiments for years. Saying it was “worth the risk” of it leaking.
Best guess is that it was an accidental leak. But all other things I’ve seen place the blame squarely on China deliberately creating an outbreak and never mention the US involvement.
Fauci’s emails just leaked and early in the pandemic he sent this^ really weird email with Baric’s published paper on bat coronavirus GoF to one of his people
It’s important because the people directly involved with creating this virus are being appointed by the WHO on the team to investigate its origins
The US outsources these unethical experiments to foreign labs all the time. There’s another in Ukraine.
And the scary thing is that they’re obliged to upload the dna sequence of viruses to a database so any lab with the proper equipment can essentially “print” a virus. (now remember the evidence of it in Italy/Spain/Denmark before public identification in Wuhan)
A deliberate release by China would make no sense anyway. If they wanted to “attack” a place they wouldn’t have done it right outside the lab it was made in
It’s basically all in here. really long article btw
also @gumby4christ on Twitter keeps covering new and old info on his page
The big story is that the work being done in that Wuhan lab was funded and directed by America’s NIH and DoD who had them continue Ralph Baric’s (U of North Carolina) research into bat coronavirus gain-of-function experiments.
Baric has been doing these insane gain-of-function experiments for decades that purposely make diseases more dangerous to humans in order to study their pandemic potential. He specifically studied bat coronaviruses and the US was directing and funding that specific further research at the Wuhan lab.
Fauci worked at the NIH and personally advocated and chose to fund such experiments for years. Saying it was “worth the risk” of it leaking.
Best guess is that it was an accidental leak. But all other things I’ve seen place the blame squarely on China deliberately creating an outbreak and never mention the US involvement.
Fauci’s emails just leaked and early in the pandemic he sent this^ really weird email with Baric’s published paper on bat coronavirus GoF to one of his people
It’s important because the people directly involved with creating this virus are being appointed by the WHO on the team to investigate its origins
The US outsources these unethical experiments to foreign labs all the time. There’s another in Ukraine.
And the scary thing is that they’re obliged to upload the dna sequence of viruses to a database so any lab with the proper equipment can essentially “print” a virus. (now remember the evidence of it in Italy/Spain/Denmark before public identification in Wuhan)
A deliberate release by China would make no sense anyway. If they wanted to “attack” a place they wouldn’t have done it right outside the lab it was made in
And yes Covid came from China and it’s culture of eating strange animals and the fact that it became a pandemic is 100% China’s fault. If anyone denies that they’re a f***ing idiot.
Krystal in op’s vid was right. There’s a certain sect liberals that are Fauci worshippers that will never budge on this because he was lionized by the media as the anti-Trump savior during the pandemic. Seems like you’re in that group
On god. I hate when black people say something feel racist to them and mfs be on some “why you gotta bring race up” or “I don’t see race” like suck my d*** you b****. Don’t try to minimize my feelings because you’re a f***ing tool.
Idc about that video, didn’t even watch, just wanted to get this off.
yes that’s what i came itt expecting discussion 2 be about