Where they play testing at
Im not too far from you btw so dont lie
In the cities? At functions and house parties?
Why would I wanna lie on a forum lmfao what's there to benefit from
Where u from tho if u not lying
that's not an enjoyable experience for the listener dawg lol
Like I said, that's not something a Yams type of nigga would've greenlit.
How many albums are just albums with hits without any center focus?
Not every album is a TPAB
lame excuse just to hate
Y'all is weird
And using a dead man u ain't ever met to justify your point
Y'all people really sour hating losers
but there was a clear concept. The concept was experimentalism, and it was clearly portrayed as such down to the title (a test is an experiment). The problem is it wasn’t experimental, it just came across as aimless (as you’ve stated) and extremely lazy.
The album was an abject failure for Rocky
So the song structures were basic?
Instrumentals were basic?
Overall compositions were basic?
Damn i hear Buck Shot type songs all over the radio
but there was a clear concept. The concept was experimentalism, and it was clearly portrayed as such down to the title (a test is an experiment). The problem is it wasn’t experimental, it just came across as aimless (as you’ve stated) and extremely lazy.
The album was an abject failure for Rocky
Nah he was having fun and experimenting for himself
Something u can even see in his later releases
That since then he has a better grasp of where he wants to go into deeper
Take Sundress and S***tin Me
Both very much in that Testing atmosphere
A failure to u that's cool
I and many others had alot of fun with the album and still do
So ur problem ain't mine and neither is it his
In the cities? At functions and house parties?
Why would I wanna lie on a forum lmfao what's there to benefit from
Where u from tho if u not lying
How many albums are just albums with hits without any center focus?
Not every album is a TPAB
lame excuse just to hate
Y'all is weird
And using a dead man u ain't ever met to justify your point
Y'all people really sour hating losers
I mean consensus agrees with me sooooooo
Brotha man is smooth af
it was definitely one that had to grow on me, wish we got more French in it lol
FWWM is an all time classic, Testing is
!https://youtu.be/34P_EZ0n7eYpeople hated on fire walk with me when it came out, to the point people at the time called it lynch’s worst film
now everybody loves it
Boy i wish I was living there
My dad from there tho so i got 50% of it in ma blood hehe
I mean consensus agrees with me sooooooo
The same ppl that don't have a clue about music making or which artists is actually doing it irl
Or those ppl irl that be banging these songs?
Trust me idc about a KTT consensus
90% of y'all dk even know what ya talking about
Cause i ain't got one good answer why testing is bad, y'all just say it sucks
Like a hating edgy teen 🙏🏾
Only thing I'll admit is his vocal performances was a lil off at times compared to his previous works imo
Trynna say other dumb non articulate fools co signed my gibberish non structured hate justifies my ideologies
Donald Trump by that def was really the greatest American president then?
Boy i wish I was living there
My dad from there tho so i got 50% of it in ma blood hehe
Love my city
Rocky exists in this weird place where I'm sure he's super creative and a good artist but for some reason I feel like he's out of his depth with his own concepts. This is coming from someone that likes testing.
Can't say I remember a single song off this album but I'm consistently still listening to songs off live.love and long.live
Love my city
Man one of Dem memories i have as a kid,is on the highway, driving into the city with that beautiful bridge,my eyes being greeted welcomed by the beautiful sky scrapers and that overall dutch warmth
I knew already then, i wanted to live there in my life and how much of a proud Rotterdammer i am 😌
Always felt like home, the ppl, the streets, the atmosphere etc
Compared to Belgium hahaha
It's cold out here dawg 😂
We don't even really have cities like Rotterdam
Man one of Dem memories i have as a kid,is on the highway, driving into the city with that beautiful bridge,my eyes being greeted welcomed by the beautiful sky scrapers and that overall dutch warmth
I knew already then, i wanted to live there in my life and how much of a proud Rotterdammer i am 😌
Always felt like home, the ppl, the streets, the atmosphere etc
Compared to Belgium hahaha
It's cold out here dawg 😂
We don't even really have cities like Rotterdam
Cold out here too dawg😭
But yea roffa culture is cool, especially compared to other dutch cities. Way more multicultural
Id say come live here but gentrification and housing market made the city expensiveeee
Man one of Dem memories i have as a kid,is on the highway, driving into the city with that beautiful bridge,my eyes being greeted welcomed by the beautiful sky scrapers and that overall dutch warmth
I knew already then, i wanted to live there in my life and how much of a proud Rotterdammer i am 😌
Always felt like home, the ppl, the streets, the atmosphere etc
Compared to Belgium hahaha
It's cold out here dawg 😂
We don't even really have cities like Rotterdam
Definitely visit during Carnaval on the 28th/29th of july
Downtown turns Carribean for two days
Great vibes and if you want to catch a wine, baddies everywhere
i actually think it was a successful experiment (if not necessarily "experimental") the sounds he came with were a lil avant garde and pretty for it